14 examples of affiches in sentences

The paper they were going to prosecute was an affiche calling upon the French people to overthrow l'aristocratie bourgeoise, which was as bad as the other, and to divide the lands.

These affiches must have been numerous; for all the girls in Rome who lost a trinket, or a pet bird, or a lap-dog, took this mode of angling in the great ocean of the public for the missing articles.

The regiment was soon fitted up and the soldiers began to put in practice in good earnest the theory of the affiche.

The Eau de Cologne is a sovereign remedy for all kinds of disorders, and if the affiches of the proprietor, Jean-Marie Farina, be worthy of credit, he is as formidable a check to old Pluto as ever Aesculapius was.

Affiches are announced in sonnets and other metres; and tho' in other countries the votaries of the Muses are but too apt to neglect the ordinary and vulgar concerns of life, yet here it by no means diminishes industry, and the nine Ladies are on the best possible terms with Mr Mercury.

I used to lose all patience at being so disturbed in the morning, and was obliged in self-defence to put an affiche on the door of my room to this effect: "Man kauft und verkauft hier nichts; kein Wechsler darf hereintreten."

she felt like a woman; as witness the episode in her life with Monsieur Rocca, which she dared not avow, (I mean her marriage with him,) because she was more jealous of her reputation as a writer than a woman, and the faiblesse de coeur, this alliance proved she had not courage to affiche.

Mais ayant décidé d'un commun accord de réunir les deux ménageries, le mari se chargea de la rédaction des affiches, qu'il fit placarder sur tous les murs de la ville.

" Les deux ménageries avait-elles été dès le commencement sous une même direction?Quelle circonstance a amené la réunion des deux spectacles?Quelle besogne le mari a-t-il prise sur lui?Pourquoi les affiches ont-elles excité le rire?Le

AFFICHE, f., avis placardé dans un lieu public.

Observe that particular affiche about a spy, please.

An old favourite was described in the affiches as le Due de Nouveau-Cirque.

'Papa!'her tone changed'is that Elsie's chair?' The group to which she pointed was still distant, but Lord Findon, even at seventy, had the eyes of an eagle, and could read an affiche a mile off.

Most probably there's a fête going on somewhere, if we only knew where," "Can't we find out?" "Oh, yeswe can drop into a Café and look at the Petites Affiches; only that entails an absinthe; or we can go into the nearest Omnibus Bureau and see the notices on the walls, which will be cheaper.

14 examples of  affiches  in sentences