7 examples of afrits in sentences

But Vathek replied civilly, but decisively, that he was taking Nouronihar with him; and the princess, having heard her declare that she would follow him beyond the Kaf in the land of the Afrits, was appeased, and pronounced Nouronihar a girl of both courage and science.

" They continued their way through the multitude, and after some time entered a vast tabernacle carpeted with the skins of leopards and filled with an infinity of elders with streaming beards and Afrits in complete armour, all of whom had prostrated themselves before the ascent of a lofty eminence, on the top of which, upon a globe of fire, sat the formidable Eblis.

" She was ultimately carried by an afrit to the abyss of Eblis, in punishment of her many crimes.

The Turk firmly believes that certain places, bare hill-sides especially, are haunted by unpleasant bogies which he calls Djinns and Afrits.

Cross-roads and halting-places in the desert are always favoured by djinns and afrits.

AFRIT`, a powerful evil spirit in the Mohammedan mythology.

" On hearing this, Malik Shah Bal was very angry, and an army of jinns, 'afrits and fairies were sent with orders, that if he came of his own accord, and brought the princess with him, well and good, but otherwise subdue him, and bring him tied by the neck and heels, and raze his fort to the ground, and drive the plough, drawn by an ass, over it.

7 examples of  afrits  in sentences