33 examples of after-effect in sentences

Simmonds, too, was looking rather shaky, and no doubt still felt the after-effects of that whiff of poison.

It is a state of mind which may come to an end at any minute, and is consequent upon the after-effects of the War.

And so all the remarkable after-effects of those processes that the Freudians have so lovingly traced: the father complex in men, the inferiority complex, and the feminoid complex in general.

For the little man of medicine had spoken very clearly of concussion and its after-effects.

There was no suggestion of an after-effect of the slight concussion of the brain which had rendered him insensible.

Its sedative properties are beneficial to the nervous system generally, and it proves useful in removing the after-effects of long illnesses, hæmorrhages, &c., besides being pleasant to the skin.

Mr. Sharp smoked his first cigarette the following morning, and, encouraged by the entire absence of any after-effects, purchased a pipe, which was taken up by a policeman the same evening for obstructing the public footpath in company with a metal tobacco-box three parts full.

Any incident, however trivial, that rouses disagreeable emotion, leaves an after-effect in our mind, which for the time it lasts, prevents our taking a clear objective view of the things about us, and tinges all our thoughts: just as a small object held close to the eye limits and distorts our field of vision.

In their unripe state they afford starch-flour; and when mature, they supply an agreeable and nutritious fruit, which, although partaken of freely, will produce neither unpleasantness nor any injurious after-effects.

A motive was present only on the first few occasions on which the action happened, which has since become a habit: the secondary after-effect of this motive is the present habit, and it is sufficient to enable the action to continue: just as when a body had been set in motion by a push, it requires no more pushing in order to continue its motion; it will go on to all eternity, if it meets with no friction.

If you will permit me to offer you the cape of my riding-coat (which is near at hand) I will wrap her in it at once, and then I think she will he safe from any after-effects of her cold bath in the pond.

One thing, however, had been done which was fated to have important after-effects.

In this distinction between sensation and reflection, we may recognize an after-effect of the Cartesian dualism between matter and spirit.

That it is a bad conductor of heat, the absence of bad after-effects on the foot testifies.

We refer to the after-effects of poulticing, the moving from pasture to stable, the emigration from a damp to a dry climate, or the alternate changes from damp to dry in a temperate region.

This complication of coronitis occurs when the injury or after-effect of the formation of pus has been severe enough to destroy outright a comparatively large portion of the papillary layer of the coronary cushion.

So far as we can judge, the after-effects are very little worse than those following other operative measures, more especially when a suitable case has been chosen.

But the first figure (for 1578) of some sixty millions is in close agreement with all other figures of early times; the figure for 1850 seems high, but cannot be far wrong, for even after the great T'ai P'ing Rebellion of 1851, which, together with its after-effects, costs the lives of countless millions, all statisticians of today estimate the population of China at more than four hundred millions.

I desired to gratify him, but the awful responsibility of the after-effects loomed up and deterred me.

After-Effects in the West.

" I find consolation, however, in the fact that in controversies and in taking mineral waters, it is the after-effects that are the true ones.

I hope the after-effect may prove to be beneficial in your case.

It was only when each action at first took place that it had a motive; after that it became a habit; the secondary after-effect of this motive is the present habit, which is sufficient to carry on the action; just as a body, set in motion by a push, does not need another push in order to enable it to continue its motion; it will continue in motion for ever if it is not obstructed in any way.

All the after-effects of the World War show how completely man is ruled by forces over which he has no control.

For this reason, you should never hire men who drink after office hours; for it's their time that gets the effects, and your time that gets the after-effects.

33 examples of  after-effect  in sentences