85436 examples of again in sentences

Then again, at the end of the engagement he expects a presenta little backsheeshtwo or three dollars, and a certificate that you are pleased with his services.

While the chief priest was going through a ritual his deputies chanted mournful and monotonous strains in a minor keyrepetitions of the same lines over and over again.

The Parsees are firm believers in the resurrection, and they expect their mutilated bodies to rise again glorified and incorruptible.

The more dignified and aristocratic portion of the crowd calmly sat down again upon their rugs and mats and watched their servants unload baskets of provisions upon tablecloths, napkins and trays which they spread upon the ground.

The same questions and the same difficulties that confront the officials at Manila have occurred again and again in India during the last 200 years, and particularly since 1858, when the authority and rights of the East India Company were transferred to the crown.

You become so accustomed to the awkward and the irregular movements that you really enjoy the novelty and are perfectly willing to try it again.

Oh, don't read it aloud!" Kirk, who had opened his mouth to begin the next page, closed it again, and followed the lines of Braille silently.

Now, in the afternoon, he was back again, to find out whether any replies had come.

"I signed aboard of her at Rio this trip, to get up into the Christian world again.

"That is, it's the only suit I havethat is" "See here," said Mrs. Sturgis, whose perceptions were beginning to quicken as she faced a member of her family again with the barrier of cautious letters thrown aside; "there's been enough money, hasn't there?" "Lots," Ken said hastily.

Ken looked anxiously across the table at his mother, as though he rather expected her to go off in a collapse again.

And now that they were face to face across a tea-table Miss Jones was bunkered again.

It was always recognized that these insects might carry the germs of infection on their wings or feet, but it was not known that they are capable of taking in at the mouth such objects as the ova of various worms, and of discharging them again unchanged in their fæces.

She tried again.

They closed once softly, lifted slowly, and closed again tiredly and gently.

"They have commenced again.

She stood in the doorway and looked round, drew back and spoke to someone inside, picked up a heavy basket, set it down, stepped into the door, glanced carefully and calculatingly up at the sky and across the square in the direction she meant to take, moved back again and picked up her basket, set it firmly on her arm, stepped out and commenced to hobble at an ungainly cumbersome trot across the square.

" The two had their drink and prepared to move again.

" There were no more shells, but that afternoon a Taube paid another of its frequent visits and vigorously bombed the railway station again, driving the inhabitants back once more to the inadequate shelter of their cellars and basements.

It was nothing to them that every now and again the house above them shook and quivered to the shock of a heavy shell exploding somewhere on the ground round the house, that the rattle of rifle fire dwindled away at times to separate and scattered shots, brisked up again and rose to a long roll, the devil's tattoo of the machine guns rattling through it with exactly the sound a boy makes running a stick rapidly along a railing.

Each man who took his instructions and pocketed his message and walked up the cellar steps knew that he might never walk down them again, that he might not take a dozen paces from them before the bullet found him.

Then he shut his eyes and went to sleep again.

Again: "I may say, He had commanded, and we obeyed; or, He having commanded, we obeyed.

6. Of time repeated; as, Often, oft, again, occasionally, frequently, sometimes, seldom, rarely, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, annually, once, twice, thrice, or three times.

(In Everybody's, Feb. 1929) (Pub. abroad as Again Sanders)

85436 examples of  again  in sentences