29 examples of agendas in sentences

Other names were, Opus Dei; Agenda; Pensum servitutis; Horae; Horae Canonicae.

<Ag, act, ig> (carry on, do, drive): (1) agent, agitate, agile, act, actor, actuate, exact, enact, reaction, counteract, transact, mitigate, navigate, prodigal, assay, essay; (2) agenda, pedagogue, synagogue, actuary, redact, castigate, litigation, exigency, ambiguous, variegated, cogent, cogitate.

I was eager to begin travelling out of Goa to visit the many places on my agenda.

If Pertinax talks mystery I will class him with the other foxes who slink into holes when the agenda look like becoming acta. Show me only a raised standard in an open field and I will take my chance beside it.

"Well, anyway, returning to the agenda, I can't go down to Brinkley Court or anywhere else yet awhile.

It was not difficult for a man of my discernment to read what was in his mind, and it occasioned me no surprise, therefore, when his next words had to do with the subject marked with a cross on the agenda paper.

I got down to the agenda in my debonair way.

Under this plan the Governor and Council, for example, would at the opening of each legislative session present a programme or agenda of such laws as they believed the conditions to demand, and in the shape of bills accurately drawn by the proper law officer of the government.

drawing, scheme, schematic, graphic, chart, flow chart (representation) 554. forecast, program, programme, prospectus; carte du pays [Fr.]; card; bill, protocol; order of the day, list of agenda; bill of fare &c (food) 298; base of operations; platform, plank, slate [U.S.], ticket [U.S.].

The battle for control over new and little understood communication technologies has rendered transparent many of the agendas implicit in our political and cultural narratives.

Clearly, the success of sites like Dear Raed stem from our increasingly complex society's need for a multiplicity of points of view on our most pressing issues, particularly when confronted by a mainstream mediaspace that appears to be converging on single, corporate and government approved agenda.

With an open source awareness, they are free to discover that the codes of the software have been arranged by people, sometimes with agendas that hadn't formerly been apparent.

They [urge the agenda?] and their brothers in their [mistaken?] folly.

But the editors who have long been acting as censors, and implement the agendas of the first two categories above, are also part of the problem.

"The Lower House of the Convocation of Canterbury has a very full agenda.

In due course, the Committee of Visitors met at the Reformatory one morning, and found on the agenda paper inter alia the case of Moussa Isa, a murderer from Aden, his attempt at murder and suicide, and his prayer to be sent to Aden Jail.

On the agenda of democracy.

On the agenda of democracy.

CONDLIFFE, J. B. Agenda for a postwar world.

On the agenda of democracy.

On the agenda of democracy.

CONDLIFFE, J. B. Agenda for a postwar world.

These acted more as impulses than as doctrines; for Shintoism, unlike the Mediaeval Christian Church, prescribed to its votaries scarcely any credenda, furnishing them at the same time with agenda of a straightforward and simple type.

" Of his work he wrote,"Well, I go on in the office, operose nihil agenda, very operose, and very nihil too.

There is always a group of uniformed Army and Navy officers on the tribune, too, and to-day, of course, as the Army discussions were on the agenda, there was an unusually brave array of gold braid and brass buttons.

29 examples of  agendas  in sentences