43 examples of agnolo in sentences

And then St. Francis, when he had heard this answer and known thereby the will of Jesu Christ, rose up with fervor exceeding great, and said: "Let us be going in the name of God"; and he took for his companions Brother Masseo and Brother Agnolo, holy men.

While I was working at this piece, Michel Agnolo Buonarroti came oftentimes to see it.

This, together with the fact that the special branch of art was totally unknown to Michel Agnolo, made the divine master give such praises to my work that I felt incredibly inspired for further effort.

He wanted to have a medal made with Atlas bearing the world upon his shoulders, and applied to Michel Agnolo for a design.

Michel Agnolo made this answer: 'Go and find out a young goldsmith named Benvenuto; he will serve you admirably, and certainly he does not stand in need of sketches by me.

Federigo Ginori came to me and told me what he wanted, adding thereto how Michel Agnolo had praised me, and how he had suggested I should make a waxen model while he undertook to supply a sketch.

The words of that great man so heartened me, that I set myself to work at once with eagerness upon the model; and when I had finished it, a painter who was intimate with Michel Agnolo, called Giuliano Bugiardini, brought me the drawing of Atlas.

On the same occasion I showed Giuliano my little model in wax, which was very different from Michel Agnolo's drawing; and Federigo, in concert with Bugiardini, agreed that I should work upon my model.

So I took it in hand, and when Michel Agnolo saw it, he praised me to the skies.

[305] Springer, in his essay, Michael Agnolo in Rome, p. 21, makes out that this large design was not conceived till after the death of Julius.

Aurelio Gotti's Vita di Michel Agnolo, and Anton Springer's Michael Agnolo in Rome, deserve to be consulted on this passage in the painter's biography.

Aurelio Gotti's Vita di Michel Agnolo, and Anton Springer's Michael Agnolo in Rome, deserve to be consulted on this passage in the painter's biography.

He never speaks of him except as quel divino Michel Agnolo, il mio maestro, and extols la bella maniera of the mighty sculptor to the skies.

FOOTNOTES: See Guasti's Rime di Michel Agnolo Buonarrote, Firenzi, 1863, p. 189.

Agnolo Bronzino, his life and works.

Agnolo Bronzino, his life and works.

She is seen surrounded by her young companions, the maidens who were brought up in the temple with her, in a picture by Agnolo Gaddi.

One version of this subject, by Agnolo Gaddi, is conceived with much simplicity and originality.

An account of the Assumption would be imperfect without some notice of the western legend, which relates the subsequent history of the Girdle, and its arrival in Italy, as represented in the frescoes of Agnolo Gaddi at Prato.

Agnolo Gaddi was but a second-rate artist, even for his time, yet these frescoes, in spite of the feebleness and general inaccuracy of the drawing, are attractive from a certain naïve grace; and the romantic and curious details of the legend have lent them so much of interest, that, as Lord Lindsay says, "when standing on the spot one really feels indisposed for criticism.

"] The exact date of the frescoes executed by Agnolo Gaddi is not known, but, according to Vasari, he was called to Prato after 1348.

"There was Agnolo Niccolini: a grave man is this Agnolo, and of great experience in public affairs, and he spoke out his mind boldly.

"There was Agnolo Niccolini: a grave man is this Agnolo, and of great experience in public affairs, and he spoke out his mind boldly.

I'll warrant me, he made a rustling among them when he said that, and the Pope's commissaryold Romalinothen whispered and frowned; but Agnolo is a stiff old fellow when he once begins a thing,he never minded it, and went through with his say.

GADDI, AGNOLO, son of the preceding, and a painter of frescoes (1350-1396).

43 examples of  agnolo  in sentences