137 examples of agonising in sentences

The Irish Daily Mass Crusade; Total Abstinence; devotion to the Passion; devotion to the agonising Heart of Jesus.

no more; the victim of some mysterious and agonising disease, about which the physicians agree on one point onlythat it is hopeless.

" At this, just as he was agonising because he had seemed to refer to the truth that she was, after all, not married, at this Lulu laughed in some amusement, and said nothing.

"Lor, bless yer," as Betsy Jane Ward would say, a choir will sing, anything put before them if it is set to music; and they think no more of getting through all that sad business about personal sinfulness, agonising repentance, and a general craving for forgiveness, than the odd woman did when she used to kiss her cow and say it was delicious.

His nature is almost cataclysmic, and once filled with the fire of the Lord, he bursts forth among his fellow-men "with the right hand striking," to use his own vivid metaphor, but before this evidence of power has come an agonising period of doubt.

After some little time, the bell for the agonising was heard, and a person came in to ask Anne Catherine's prayers for his sister, who was just dead.

The sight of the cowardice and duplicity of this despicable being, who was nevertheless puffed up with pride at his important position, almost overcame me, and the ferocious joy of the executionersthe triumphant countenances of the High Priests, added to the deplorable condition to which our loving Saviour was reduced, and the agonising grief of his beloved Motherstill further increased my pain.

See the things that press upon us, the agonising questions as to those who will come after us, and those who have children.

Her deep melancholy was believed to be caused by some dark fateby some agonising sympathy with evil-doers; and it was sometimes said in Aberalva,"Don't do that, for poor Grace's sake.

" Tom looked at him with the quaintest smile: a flush of mingled anger and contempt had been rising in him as he heard the ex-bottle-boy talking sentiment: but he only went on quietly, "No, sir; with your more delicate sensibilities, you may thank Heaven that you did not become a medical man; your life would have been one of torture, disgust, and agonising sense of responsibility.

At last long and agonising prayer brought gentler thoughts, and mere physical exhaustion a calmer mood.

Then came the agonising suspense and the eight hours' search throughout the long summer evening.

Though I had for three hours endeavoured, as it were, to prepare myself for the unavoidable necessity of falling once again into the hands of the officers of law, the sensation I felt at their entrance was indescribably agonising.

But at the sight of civil life, If "life" it can be called, With all its agonising strife, I simply stand appalled.

O sharp convulsive pangs of agonising pride!

I have seen a mother force open the convulsively closed jaws of her child in order that some agonising torture might be applied,which, though agonising, would tend to save her sick infant's life.

I have seen a mother force open the convulsively closed jaws of her child in order that some agonising torture might be applied,which, though agonising, would tend to save her sick infant's life.

he is my father, love him!' Lady Annabel stood with an averted countenance, Venetia clinging to her hand, which she had caught when she rushed forward, and which now fell passive by Lady Annabel's side, giving no sign, by any pressure or motion, of the slightest sympathy with her daughter, or feeling for the strange and agonising situation in which they were both placed.

The strange surprise, the violent development of feeling, the agonising doubts and hopes, the terrible suspense the profound and bitter and overwhelming disappointment, all combined to shake her mind to its very foundations.

Whatever might be at the end, it was now an agonising wrench to part from the English body, to part from the numbers of friends whose loyalty was immovable, to part from numbers who had trusted and learned from him.

It was the subject of many a bitter, agonising struggle which no one knew anything of; it was with many the act of a supreme self-oblation.

In the bitter, and in many cases agonising struggle which they had gone through as to their duty to God and conscience, a sign seemed now to be given them which they could not mistake.

Shut your eyes to the facts, occasionally, especially in the death-scene, and it is the voice of IRVING; open them, and it is ALEXANDER agonising.

Jim, Jim Randolph, as I listened to that agonising tale of the changing of that girl's heaven to hell, I did not see that halo you

It was terrible, it was agonising, yet, though in her heart she knew it to be a dream, she could not wake.

137 examples of  agonising  in sentences