6 examples of agreste in sentences

Agreste olus anus vendebat, et rogo inquam, mater, nunquid scis ubi ego habitem?

5. totum scriptum confusum sine ordine vel colore, absque sensu et ratione ad rusticissimos, idem dedit, rudissimos, et prorsus agrestes, qui nullius erant discretionis, ut dijudicare possent.

"I engraved this line of Virgil upon the bark of a gum tree, under the shade of which Paul sometimes seated himself, in order to contemplate the agitated sea: Fortunatue et ille deos qui novit agrestes!

"Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas,"so wrote of him his great successor and admirer, yet added, with a tinge of pathos which touches us even now, "Fortunatus et ille deos qui novit agrestes."

cualquiera país me es indiferente con tal que sea bien agreste y selvático.

*agradar* please *agradecer* be thankful for *agreste* rough *agrio* sour, bitter *agrupar* group *agua* f. water *aguador* m. water-carrier *agüero* m. omen *agujero* m. hole *agur* colloquial exclamation of farewell (cf.

6 examples of  agreste  in sentences