5 examples of ahold in sentences

Every youth who has the blood of patriots in him lays ahold on Tony Sevadra's flag, happiest if he can get a corner of it.

"I'm goin' to ride into town tomorrow an' get ahold of Doc Geary.

The poem itself began with this stanza: Thrash away, you'll hev to rattle On them kittle-drums o' yourn, 'Taint a knowin' kind o' cattle Thet is ketched with mouldy corn; Put in stiff, you fifer feller, Let folks see how spry you be, Guess you'll toot till you are yeller 'Fore you git ahold o' me!

If I'd had any gumption I'd got ahold of 'em both.

I just spoke to him a few hours ago and I'll get ahold of him again and tell him you'll be coming."

5 examples of  ahold  in sentences