633 examples of ails in sentences

" "Yeh, good for what ails him.

That's what ails women when they get to cutting up like this.

"Drink it down; it's good for what ails you.

What ails you?

At the corner of Wood Street, when daylight appears, Hangs a Thrush that sings loud, it has sung for three years: Poor Susan has passed by the spot, and has heard In the silence of morning the song of the Bird. 'Tis a note of enchantment; what ails her?

What is't that ails young Harry Gill? That evermore his teeth they chatter, Chatter, chatter, chatter still!

"The greatest trouble that ails him is that he has just a trifle too large opinion of the importance of his own opinions.

"Well, what ails you?" demanded Dalzell with unusual quietness.

"Why, Lily, what ails ye?" His surprise at this unwonted caress brought a faint smile to her thin lips.

" "Ye ain't tuk a notion that yer goin' to die?" "Nothing ails me, Jaspar," her voice was strong and steady.

"I dunno' what ails me," she muttered.

Ye've bin readin' dime novels, that's what ails ye.

If, on the other hand, the mother understands that the crying reflex is largely unnecessary at the present time, since she has learned to administer to the infant's every requirement with clock-like regularity, she will, when assured that nothing ails the child, let it cry if it wants to without giving it the least attention.

Bless your dear soul, what ails you?" Amyas had dropped back in his seat as if he had been shot; but he recovered himself, and next morning started for Bideford.

What ails you particularly?" "Nothing," replied Blaize, trembling; "I am quite well.

" For a moment Maggie sat wrapped in thoughtthen clapping her hands together she exclaimed: "I have it; I know now what ails her!

Hang it all, I can't imagine what ails it, that everybody should think I'm making fun of them.

Feigning a smile, she said: "What ails you, child?

Quoth Doctor Squill of Ponder's End, "Of all the patients I attend, Whate'er their aches or ails, None ever will my fame attack.

What ails you?" "Con," said Laughing Bill.

Does he want to kill himself, or what ails him?

What ails then my beloved child?

What ails the maiden?

" "Why, Little Playmate, what ails thee at the maid?

Jenieve felt as if she were choking, but again she asked out of her heart to his, "Monsieur the chief Pontiac, what ails the French and Indians?

633 examples of  ails  in sentences