9 examples of air-shaft in sentences

Curiously enough, it was defined accurately, being exactly in shape like one of the rectangular tin air-shafts you see so often in city hotels.

A dun-colored kind of dusk, soot floating in it, began to filter down the air-shaft, dimming them.

And this Underground Country had its own winds and air-currents; so that, to my memory, it was in no ways connected to the monstrous air-shafts of the Pyramid; but in this I may be mistaken; for it has not been given to me to know all that is to be known concerning that vast Redoubt; nor by any one man could so much knowledge be achieved.

But when, after a long, delightful journey, I visit the regions of shallower waters, ah, the beautiful things I could bring you, were there a tunnel, a car, or an air-shaft to convey me safely to land!

She lay upon the floor in a little dark room, and through the window in the airless air-shaft, high up in one corner, she could see a three-cornered spot of light.

The dumb hours she had spent staring up the air-shaft had resolved themselves with the passing years into a strange, numb will to do.

"By the sinking of the air-shaft the air hath liberty to circulate."RAY: ib., w. Airshaft.

Some short distance behind us was an air-shaft.

It appears that about a week or a fortnight before our arrival a German shell, striking the top part of the citadel, dislodged some dust and gravel which fell down the air-shaft onto the General's head.

9 examples of  air-shaft  in sentences