22 examples of airiness in sentences

I tell you this with careful airiness because it is true and because it would embarrass me so horribly if you believed it.

The first thing Willie did, after getting his room all to himself, was to put hinges on the windows and make them open, so satisfying his father as to the airiness of the room.

The ceiling of the church is lofty, and very woodyis crossed by four or five unpoetical-looking beams which deprive the building of that airiness and capaciousness it would otherwise possess.

I cannot convey the sweetness and softness of that landscape, the airiness of it, the mystery of it, as it came to me at that moment.

Although Chaucer's humor and excellence in lighter vein are such marked characteristics, we must not forget his serious qualities; for he has the Saxon seriousness as well as the Norman airiness.

Lines like these are filled with the airiness of nature: "There is not wind enough to twirl The one red leaf, the last of its clan, That dances as often as dance it can, Hanging so light, and hanging so high, On the topmost twig that looks up at the sky.

It has an appearance of industry, comfort and airiness.

The innumerable aiguilles or spires of the most exquisite and delicate workmanship, tapering and terminating in points all newly whitened, gave such an appearance of airiness and lightness to this beautiful building that it looked more visionary than substantial, and as if a strong puff of wind would blow it away.

Yesterday the leaves had waved lightly, the undergrowth of shrubs had uplifted in feathery airiness of texture, the ground beneath had been crisp and aromatic with pine needles.

The tall windows of the transept, reaching almost from the floor to the roof, with their delicate tracery, carry on the same effect of airiness, while their light is softened by the really beautiful stained glass which they frame.

There is an airiness about its whole appearance, at all seasons, that gives an expression of cheerfulness to the scene it graces, whether it skirt the banks of a stream or spread out its courteous arms over a sunny knoll or little sequestered nook.

But though he appears amidst such accompaniments with all the airiness of a Juan, he has a thread of the blackest of Harold in his texture; and every now and then seems willing to draw a veil between him and the world of vanities.

A magnificent opera-house was built outside the town, on the Grand Paseo, and named after the governor-general; nothing can exceed the lightness, airiness, and taste of the interior.

One of the most striking buildings I visited during my stay at Boston was the jail; the airiness and cleanliness were both perfect, and the arrangement was to me totally novel.

In short, to those who take an interest in improving the airiness of jails and the security of prisoners, this building is well worth the most careful examination; and I trust we may some day profit by the improvements which the ingenuity of the New Englanders has here exhibited, for the frequent escapes from our jails prove that some change is requisite.

Nothing is more despicable than the airiness and jocularity of a man bred to severe science, and solitary meditation.

The first impression on entering the church is one of light and airiness, due to the size and number of the windows, of which that at the west end is the finest.

It's all right," Green dismissed the matter with an airiness that was curiously final.

It is, however, a graceful and beautiful object, enjoying to an eminent decree the lightness and airiness of the birch family, and spreading out its glistening leaves on the ends of a very slender and often pensile spray with an indescribable softness.

We drove into the city in the afternoon, and were much impressed by its airiness and cleanliness.

The new mood gave him the measure of her heart; but his tone lost nothing of its airiness.

There is nothing which exposes a Woman to greater dangers, than that Gaiety and Airiness of Temper, which are natural to most of the Sex.

22 examples of  airiness  in sentences