52 examples of aking in sentences

Go,and be satisfyed of my eternal love ah, Gipsey,no, Gentlewoman, I am a tuff bit, and will hold you tugging till your heart ake. Jul.

"Morbleu," cried the beau, "my shoulders ake for it already.

No more; and by a sleepe, to say we end The Heart-ake, and the thousand Naturall shockes That Flesh is heyre too?

mine ake to thinke on't.

Thou dost make my head ake with the noise.

If you knew what I suffer your head would ake indeed.

And if I spare thee not, impute the cause To thine owne rashnes and mine aking wounds.

I am scribbling a muddy epistle with an aking head, for we did not quaff Hippocrene last night.

My aking and confused Head warns me to leave off.

"Why grow up a Boob," wrote the philosophic Mayme, "when the lil old world is full of wise guys just aking to spill their wiseness?" Contemporaneously the Weeping Scion of Wealth was writing back his views on life and the emptiness thereof, in better orthography, but with distinctly less of spirit.

Democritus would feed his spleen, and shake His sides and shoulders till he felt them ake.

"That roguish leer of your's makes a pretty woman's heart ake.

A LONG SOUND, When the Syllable ends with a Vowel, either in Monosyllables, or in Words of more Syllables; as, t=ake, w=e, =I, g=o, n=il; or, as, N=ature, N=ero, N=itre, N=ovice, N=uisance.

But Johnson says of ache, a pain, it is "now generally written ake, and in the plural akes, of one syllable."See

So Walker: "It is now almost universally written ake and akes."See

So Webster: "Ake, less properly written ache."See

All her servants that were not coal-black must turn out; a fair complexion made her eyes and heart ake, she'd none but downright jet, and to exceed all example, she hir'd my mourning furniture by the year, and in case of my mortality, ty'd my son to the same article; so in six weeks time ran away with a young fellow.

AKING $1.25, net; by mail, $1.40 HOW TO SPEAK IN PUBLIC $1.25, net; by mail, $1.40 HUMOROUS HITS, &C. $1.00, net; by mail, $1.11 * * * *

but I talk in the language of our weakness, that is flown to the regions of immortality, and relieved from the aking engine and painful instrument of anguish and sorrow, in which for many tedious years he panted with a lively hope for his present condition.'

There are many who take a kind of barbarous Pleasure in the Jealousy of those [who ] love them, that insult over an aking Heart, and triumph in their Charms which are able to excite so much Uneasiness. 'Ardeat ipsa licet tormentis gaudet amantis'.

Besides, the unusual Extension of my Muscles on this Occasion, made my Face ake on both Sides to such a Degree, that nothing but an invincible Resolution and Perseverance could have prevented me from falling back to my Monosyllables.

I was overjoy'd to be thus revenged on him, for designing on my Fortune; and finding it was in my Power to make his Heart ake, I resolved to compleat my Conquest, and entertain'd several other Pretenders.

Double but my Farm, and kiss her till thy heart ake.

Double but my farm And kisse her till thy heart ake; these smocke vermin, How eagerly they leap at old mens kisses, They lick their lipps at profit, not at pleasure; And if't were not for th' scurvie name of Cuckold, He should lye with her, I know shee'l labour at length With a good lordship.

I say, and give it me, or as I live, thy head will ake extreamly.

52 examples of  aking  in sentences