50 examples of alarm clock in sentences

My constitution is running down at the rate of an alarm clock.

The Bad Boy and the Senator's Son Go on an Elephant ChaseThe Senator's Son Gets His Friend a Bid to Dinner at the White HouseThe Trained Seal Swallows an Alarm Clock.

The Bad Boy and the Senator's Son Go on an Elephant ChaseThe Senator's Son Gets His Friend a Bid to Dinner at the White HouseThe Trained Seal Swallows an Alarm Clock.

Well, I bit like a bass, and said we would do it, so he took a little alarm clock and set it for seven o'clock.

Finally the alarm clock quit jingling, and they caught the seal and pulled the clock off his tooth, and just then pa came up to me and said: "What deviltry you boys up to now?

The muffled whir of her alarm clock awakened Betty.

" CHAPTER XI "Tinkle, tinkle" went the alarm clock next morning.

It was not until we opened our specially ordered "mountain grub" boxes here in Chuquibamba that we found, alongside of the pemmican and self-heating tins of stew which had been packed for us in London by Grace Brothers, the two precious aneroids, each as large as a big alarm clock.

"It's probably only some sort of foreign alarm clock, and he stuffed it in there so the ticking wouldn't keep him awake.

We looked, and found this" "Ah, my new alarm clock!"

While the boys were following the young Spaniard up on deck, Joe found a chance to whisper to Blake: "I notice he was not at all anxious to show us how his brass-box alarm clock worked.

No reference was made to the odd alarm clock, which was not heard to tick again, nor was it in evidence either in Mr. Alcando's bed, or elsewhere.

It was a ticking, like that of an alarm clock, and it came from the interior of the carrying case that held extra reels of film for the little camera Mr. Alcando had.

They come inevitably as the alarm clock; when the hands of circumstance touch the hour, the bromidic remark will surely go off.

I told him it seemed to be a very willing and industrious alarm clock, and it was mine.

She slept, like one exhausted and rose full of sleep-heaviness, full of bodily soreness and spiritual protest when the alarm clock raised its din in the cool morning.

Rose smothered her alarm clock at the first warning snarl.

Lofty room decorated with ancestral portraits done by Mr. Guzzlebhoy Fustomji Paintwallah; green glass chandeliers and big blue and white tin balls; mauve carpet with purple azure roses; wall-paper, bright pink with red lilies and yellow cabbages; immense mouldy mirrors, and a tin alarm clock.

Besides these, I show them my coal-oil stove, alarm clock, thermometer, etc.

SEE Alarm clock.

SEE Alarm clock.

I heard him going up to bed, in his felt shoes, at ten o'clockAmélie said he left the kitchen scrupulously cleanand I heard the kitchen alarm clock, which he carried with him going off at half past five in the morning.

" "That which increases the mother's toil, decreases the father's cash, and serves as an alarm clock to the neighbors.

" He marshalled us upstairshe and Mr. Portlethorpe had already taken their night-caps while they talked,and when he had bestowed the senior visitor in his room, he came to me in mine, carrying an alarm clock which he set down at my bed-head.

They strike the mind of the recipient like the sudden ringing of an alarm clock bell.

50 examples of  alarm clock  in sentences