7719 examples of alarmed in sentences

" "Lost Brig Island," echoed Jess in an alarmed tone; "is this an island?"

You are alarmed at this idea; but I entreat you, my dearest, kindest father, to listen to me.

Constanze, greatly alarmed, called in the family physician, Doctor Closset.

Caroline, apparently alarmed at the condition of his health, never robust, persuaded her mother to let him board at her house.

The blow to Mendelssohn was exceedingly severe, and his condition alarmed his sister, who urged upon him his father's advice.

"Do not be so alarmed," he said, as Betty, with pallid cheeks and trembling hands, knelt beside the unconscious child on the grass; "she will revive; her heart beats and she is not very cold.

was poor Nathan Hale, but" "Betty," whispered Moppet, so low that she was evidently alarmed at her own daring, "why can't we let him go free and never tell Oliver a word about it?" "How did you come to think of that?" said Betty, astonished.

Alarmed by this outcry, Stephen suffered Pillichody to pass; and the latter, darting across the yard, mounted the rope-ladder, and quickly disappeared.

The awful warning of Solomon Eagle so alarmed Quatremain, that he let fall his prayer-book, and after gazing vacantly round for a few moments, staggered to one of the stalls, where, feeling a burning pain in his breast, he tore open his doublet, and found that the enthusiast had spoken the truth, and that he was really attacked by the pestilence.

While he stooped to caress her, the piper, who had been alarmed by the barking, appeared at the door, and called out to know who was there?

"Pardon me, Sir Paul," rejoined Chowles, who began to be seriously alarmed at his own situation, and eagerly grasped at the opportunity that offered of extricating himself from it"pardon me.

Alarmed at the sight, I whispered my fears to my companion, and would have retreated; but she laid hold of my hand, and detained me.

" While considering whither he should take her, and much alarmed at her situation, the man who acted as guide came to his relief.

She found Prudence sitting by her bedside, and alarmed by the expression of her countenance, anxiously inquired what was the matter?

On gaining the street, he perceived her flying figure already at some distance; and greatly alarmed, started in pursuit.

echoed Judith, alarmed.

He was greatly alarmed, but did not lose his command over himself.

we are at times alarmed by the state of his health, but at present he is well.

Of course you were alarmed and distressed; nothing could be more natural.

Soon the noise was repeated, and away they flew to heir mother's arms in such a tremor that she felt at the moment alarmed herself.

It was ascertained the next day that one of the bad boys crept along in the back part of the yard where the children were playing, and by an unnatural sound of his voice made the noise that so alarmed the three little children.

Some were alarmed, and thought it was an omen of fearful events.

Not many of the barbarians fell, for they had chariot drivers, and being mounted easily escaped the Romans whose cavalry had not yet arrived; but alarmed at the reports about them from the mainland and because they had dared to cross at all and had managed to set foot upon the land, they sent to Caesar some of the Morini who were friends of theirs, to see about terms of peace.

[-19-] Crassus, trying to encourage them, said: "Be not alarmed, fellow soldiers, that the bridge has been destroyed nor think because of this that any disaster is portended.

Friday, the 31st, however, the tone of the newspapers was serious and our little village began to grow alarmed when several soldiers on holiday leave received individual official telegrams to rejoin their regiments immediately.

7719 examples of  alarmed  in sentences