10 examples of albe in sentences

But if a glad heartkind and therefore gladbe any part of sanctity, then might the robe of Motley, with which he invested himself with so much humility after his deprivation, and which he wore so long with so much blameless satisfaction to himself and to the public, be accepted for a surplicehis white stole, and albe.

But if a glad heartkind and therefore gladbe any part of sanctity, then might the robe of Motley, with which he invested himself with so much humility after his deprivation, and which he wore so long with so much blameless satisfaction to himself and to the public, be accepted for a surplicehis white stole, and albe.

Albe thy seemly feature set no sale But honest truth vpon thy novell tale, Yet (for this world is full of subtiltee)

For greedy Pleasure, carelesse of your toyes, 365 Thinks more upon her paradise of ioyes, Then what ye do, albe it good or ill.

That goodly Beautie, albe heavenly borne, Is foule abusd, and that celestiall hew, 150 Which doth the world with her delight adorne, Made but the bait of sinne, and sinners scorne, Whilest every one doth seeke and sew to have it,

He would not bend, he said, to Lady or to Patron "Rather had I, albe in careless rhymes, Check the misordered world and lawless times.

"You come like a bridegroom from the wedding feast, Albe

"Chère apparence viens aux couchants illuminés Veux-tu mieux des matins albes et calmes Les soirs et les matins ont des calmes rosâtres Les eaux ont des manteaux de cristal irisé Et des rythmes de calmes palmes

Veux-tu mieux des matins albes et calmes?

Albe vous a nommé, je ne vous connais plus, a verse which is here parodied.

10 examples of  albe  in sentences