12 examples of aleichem in sentences

R122028, 10Dec53, Bess Streeter Aldrich (A) ALEICHEM, SHOLOM, PSEUD.

Jewish children; translated from the Yiddish of Sholom Aleichem by Hannah Berman.

The world of Sholom Aleichem.

By Sholom Aleichem, translated by Julius Butwin & Frances Butwin.

By Sholen Aleichem, translation by Isidore Goldstick.

By Sholom Aleichem, translated from the Yiddish by Frances Butwin.

R122028, 10Dec53, Bess Streeter Aldrich (A) ALEICHEM, SHOLOM, PSEUD.

Jewish children; translated from the Yiddish of Sholom Aleichem by Hannah Berman.

The world of Sholom Aleichem.

By Sholom Aleichem, translated by Julius Butwin & Frances Butwin.

By Sholen Aleichem, translation by Isidore Goldstick.

By Sholom Aleichem, translated from the Yiddish by Frances Butwin.

12 examples of  aleichem  in sentences