202 examples of all-important in sentences

Hence it came about that in the all-important matter of railroad communication the interests of the Transvaal and of the seaboard colonies were diametrically opposed.

He would in all respects resemble the other inhabitants with one all-important exception, that since he had attained to unity with his Creative Principle he would not be tied by the laws of matter as they were.

" "I didn't realize how all-important you were," rejoined Tudor, with a bitter smile.

What a grand and all-important truth it is to impress upon people sunk in forgetfulness and sensuality and pleasure-seeking and idle schemes of vanity and ambition, that there is a supreme Intelligence who overrules, and whose laws cannot be violated with impunity; from whom no one can escape, even though he "take the wings of the morning and fly to the uttermost parts of the sea."

It ought to be reprinted, for the benefit of this generation, for its author has forestalled all subsequent writers on this all-important subject.

They display far more character than the so-called "toy dog" usually does, and for this reason it is all-important that pains should be taken to preserve the true type, in a recognition of the fact that quality is more essential than quantity.

I then believed and still believe that under the organic act the Kansas convention were bound to submit this all-important question of slavery to the people.

This was the all-important question which had alone convulsed the Territory; and yet the opponents of the lawful government, persisting in their first error, refrained from exercising their right to vote, and preferred that slavery should continue rather than surrender their revolutionary Topeka organization.

On the all-important morning, grandma was anxious that I should look well; and after she had looped my braids with bows of blue ribbon and fastened my dress, she brought forth my dainty bonnet, her own gift.

'Such a thought would never enter my head: there is, first of all, my fiancée' 'Ah, the all-important Countess, eh?Well, but she, as far as I know the lady, would be the first to force you to go.

They can only meet their many-sided and all-important duties by a competent acquaintance with the methods and system of army movements on every scale.

But it was all-important to know who was in favour of the raid, and exactly why.

The one all-important thing in Palestine that never yet has been discovered is the real Tomb of the Kings.

The all-important thing was to conceal the fact that sacrilege had been committed.

Before he did this, however, he made an anxious and careful survey of the weather it being all-important to be certain no change in this respect was likely to occur in his absence.

Our patient never knew how long he slept, on this all-important occasion.

At that all-important moment a happy idea occurred to the young governor.

If truth is all-important, in one sense, falsehood is all-important too, in a contrary sense.

Nay more, as some of the others gradually lounged in, and as the meal became a trifle more animated, he told himself that after all Mr. Burnaby might have turned out a spoil-sport, especially with regard to a secret, all-important matter which he, the convener of this curiously assorted Christmas party, had very much at heart.

Where he saw the possibility of making a convert, or even of dissipating prejudice and inclining a single Protestant more favourably towards Rome, he left no stone unturned to secure this all-important end.

He had a great and all-important place in a very critical moment, to which he brought a seriousness of purpose, a power and ripeness of counsel, and a fearlessness distinctly growing up to the last.

It was all-important that it should be won, for the benefit of civilization and in the interests of mankind.

We need a man who will not be afraid of being called strait-laced, or narrow-minded, or peculiar, or Jewish, or Puritanical, but who will speak his mind clearly and decidedly on such an all-important point, and who will not hesitate to use strong measures to put down the Sabbath-breaking and the utter disregard of God's law, which is threatening the ruin of our beloved country.

Freighters, mine-sweepers, trawlers, and the rest of the unsung tollers of the sea continue their silent, all-important task.

It was Tordenskjold himself who brought the all-important news to King Frederik in the night of December 28,they were not the days of telegraphs and fast steamers,and when the King, who had been roused out of bed to receive him, could not trust his ears, he said with characteristic audacity, "I wish it were as true that your Majesty had made me a schoutbynacht,"the rank next below admiral.

202 examples of  all-important  in sentences