Do we say all together or altogether

all together 599 occurrences

After tracing the Sierra streams from their fountains to the plains, marking where they bloom white in falls, glide in crystal plumes, surge gray and foam-filled in boulder-choked gorges, and slip through the woods in long, tranquil reachesafter thus learning their language and forms in detail, we may at length hear them chanting all together in one grand anthem, and comprehend them all in clear inner vision, covering the range like lace.

The friends of Cimon also, whom Pericles had accused of Laconian leanings, fell, all together, in their ranks; and the Athenians felt great sorrow for their treatment of Cimon, and a great longing for his restoration, now that they had lost a great battle on the frontier, and expected to be hard pressed during the summer by the Lacedaemonians.

Let it ferment 3 or 4 days; then put all together in a cask with the brandy, and let it remain for 2 months, when bottle it off for use.

" Later that evening when the children were all together and Leonore had conquered her grief for that day, a letter came for their mother from Hanover.

As to the place which Notes to a poet's works should occupy, there is no doubt that numerous and lengthy oneshowever valuable, or even necessary, by way of illustration,disfigure the printed page; and some prefer that they should be thrown all together at the end of each volume, or at the close of a series; such asin Wordsworth's case"The River Duddon," "Ecclesiastical Sonnets," 'The Prelude', 'The White Doe of Rylstone', etc.

Well, you just boil a couple of chickens, and cut them up small, and see that there are two loaves of bread ready, those long round, crimply ones, you know, and then I'll put it all together and all you'll have to do is to brown it.

" "About how much money, all together, do you expect to make out of this estate?" "I do not look on it in that light, sir; I am taking these proceedings simply to compel you and your client to give that boy his rights.

I said; "quick-all together.

Then, and we were all together, we three, I cast my spear at the one to the right, and it drove into his throat and he pitched backward into the water.

And remember, when chickens go to the A HEN fields CHANTECLER the foremost THE HENS ALL TOGETHER walks ahead!

I think that some day he may be so full of romance and mystery and sound of sheep bells and murmur of mist-hidden hills, which we streams shall have brought him, that there will be no more music or beauty left in the world, and all the world will end; and perhaps the streams shall gather at the last, we all together, to the sea.

The shout being raised anew, all together making a united effort, drove the enemy back; nor could the Roman attack be any longer resisted.

Agrippina had it all piled in a heap, hoping by showing him the money all together to make him change his mind.

"But can we say of such mistakes, and of the harm which may accrue from them, anything but that they must both be infinite; seeing that they are mistakes concerning an infinite Being, and his infinite properties, on every one of which, and on all together, our daily existence depends?" P.

We had one of those visits that make a mark in one's life; seeing Mr. and Mrs. Leonard, and Mrs. Randall, and Miss Deborah, so fond of us, and all together we were stirred up as we rarely are, and refreshed beyond description.

When at last these reached him with much difficulty(for they were not all together, but kept gathering gradually, since they lacked boats in which to cross in a body)still, when in the course of time they did reach him and he had added them to his army, he took courage again; so much so, that he led out against the foe, and drew up his men in front of the trenches.

He knew a little, and I knew less, but we pieced it all together and talked about how the prices would come down, how our brave fellows would return home, how the ships could go where they would in peace, and how we could pull all the coast beacons down, for there was no enemy now to fear.

" "They're all together now.

SHE, TOBY-DOG, KIKI-THE-DEMURE, (all together)

I used to run with them, and had great fun; we used to gallop all together round the field, as hard as we could go.

The execution of it was afterwards deferred to the date of the St. Bartholomew, in 1572, at Paris, because of certain suspicions which had been manifested by the Huguenots, and because it was considered easier and more certain to get them all together at Paris than at Moulins.

Beat all together thoroughly.

Next they were all together, panting, plunging, splashing, drinking, mules and horses, white men and red men, all with no other thought than to quench their thirst.

FIG FILLING One pound of figs chopped fine, one cup of water, one-half cup of sugar; cook all together until soft and smooth.

From 'Ballads and Songs.' THE FAIRIES (A CHILD'S SONG) Up the airy mountain, Down the rushy glen, We daren't go a hunting For fear of little men: Wee folk, good folk, Trooping all together; Green jacket, red cap, And white owl's feather.

altogether 8177 occurrences

It was too bad altogether.

No, nor the old ones either; for only the stanchest old "salts" of Montauk or New London would have felt altogether at home in "The Swallow" that afternoon.

At the Fosters' it was forgotten almost altogether.

Dab and Ham were altogether too tired to take any pains there was no call for.

The remaining days of their visit would have been altogether too few for the varied entertainments he laid out for them, in his own mind, by way of reparation for his unlucky "practical joke."

It is known to you that the Senate has altogether and suddenly removed Donna Violetta from the keeping of the faithful and illustrious senator your father.

Adaptation, again, even more than translation, is what is required, and in order that the adaptation, should be practised successfully, geographical inquiry cannot be altogether dissociated from philology, nor can philology be dissociated, as it so often is, from ethnography, history, and anthropology, which throw either a full light or at least a side-light or half-light on linguistic problems, as has been pointed out by Dr. Abel.

Such is the plan of nursing to be followed by the mother until she wean her infant altogether from the breast.

The young and inexperienced mother, who is a parent for the first time, and altogether ignorant of the duties of her office, and at the same time most anxious to fulfil them faithfully, is but too frequently an instance in point; although at a future period she will generally make a good nurse.

The quantity which many nurses eat and drink, and the indolent life which they too often lead, have the effect of deranging their digestive organs, and frequently induce a state of febrile excitement, which always diminishes, and even sometimes altogether disperses, the milk.

The depressing passions frequently drive the milk away altogether.

The one was altogether, physically and morally, a brute, cruel and merciless.

For prisoners in these circumstances I always felt great sympathy, and regarded the moral guilt as altogether unworthy of punishment.

"This is a distressing affair, captain Willoughby," observed Joel, in his most jesuitical manner; "and to me it is altogether onaccountable!

Strides," answered the confiding captain, "though these deserters are not altogether as bad as you represent, since, you will remember, they have carried their wives and children with them.

Men of the world, while they admit how much has been gained in activity, available intelligence of the practical school, and enterprise, regret that the fusion has been quite so rapid and so complete; it being apparently a law of nature that nothing precious that comes of man shall be enjoyed altogether without alloy.

" "It cannot be serjeant Joyce, for he will stay until he get your orders to march," the youth replied, not altogether without humour in his manner; "

This last remark was altogether just.

The "members" of the chapel at present are neither increasing nor decreasingare stationary; and they wilt number altogether between 50 and 60.

Sometimes there is more cry than wool in it; but taken altogether, and considering the place, it is creditable.

Altogether there are about 400 seats free and tolerably easy in the building.

Some seke so far outlandishe English, that thei forget altogether their mothers language.

We have the same curiosity about him as we have about Homer, Aeschylus, and Shakespeare, so that the merest trifles which throw any light on his personality assume an interest altogether out of proportion to their intrinsic importance.

For there be those that speak very well, plainly, and to the purpose; and yet write most pernicious and fantastical stuff: thinking that whatsoever is written must be more than ordinary, must be beyond the guise [manner] of common speech, must savour of reading and Learning, though it be altogether needless, and perfectly ridiculous.

For he that in his youth has allowed himself this liberty of Academic Wit; by this means he has usually so thinned his judgement, becomes so prejudiced against sober sense, and so altogether disposed to trifling and jingling; that, so soon as he gets hold of a text, he presently thinks he has catched one of his old School Questions; and so falls a flinging it out of one hand into another!

Do we say   all together   or  altogether