214 examples of allegation in sentences

I recollected that the body had disappeared, therefore what proof had I of my allegation that she had been murdered?

" Her allegation startled me.

I cried, standing before the thin-faced official of the Czar, the unscrupulous man who had crushed Finland beneath the iron heel of Russia, and who, by his lying allegation, now held me in his power.

It would be a monstrous allegation to say that any evolutionist would defend these conclusions in all their crudity; but is only by thus pushing implied principles to their results, that their incoherence can be made plain.

"Examples," says Aristotle, "are of two kinds, one consisting in the allegation of historical facts, and the other in the invention of facts for oneself.

When Lord Byron mentioned the subject to me, and that he was consulting Sir Vickery Gibbs, with the intention of prosecuting the publisher and the author, I advised him, as well as I could, to desist, simply because the allegation referred to well-known occurrences.

Affirmation N. affirmance, affirmation; statement, allegation, assertion, predication, declaration, word, averment; confirmation.

Pretext N. pretext, pretense, pretension, plea^; allegation, advocation; ostensible motive, ostensible ground, ostensible reason, phony reason; excuse &c (vindication) 937; subterfuge; color; gloss, guise, cover. loop hole, starting hole; how to creep out of, salvo, come off; way of escape. handle, peg to hang on, room locus standi [Lat.]; stalking-horse, cheval de bataille

Indeed, the fact that in 1890 the mass of unemployed was almost absorbed, disposes once for all of the allegation that the unemployed in times of depression consist of idlers who do not choose to work.

I am here for two reasons: to ask your forgiveness for making that allegation which was imperative; and, secondly, to assure you that, if you will allow me, I will yet be your friend.

I merely venture to point out certain difficulties which you might have in substantiating any allegation which you might make against me.

He knew the truth, but had no desire to tell even his old friend of the allegation against the girl whom he loved.

"Lady Heyburn and myself have been this girl's best friends; but now I must speak openly, in defence of the allegation she is making against me.

That he admits the making and delivering of the note therein stated, but denies each and every other allegation therein contained.

The reply of the plaintiff to the facts set forth in the answer of the defendant, denies each and every allegation therein contained.

Too much stress should not be laid on the allegation of the same prophecies, because there may have been a certain understanding among the Christians as to the prophecies to be quoted as well as the versions in which they were to be quoted.

It is true that the Fathers accuse Marcion of tampering with the text in various places, both in the Epistles and in the Gospels where the allegation can be tested, and where it is found that the supposed perversion is simply a difference of reading, proved to be such by its presence in other authorities [Endnote 217:2].

The act of her late Convention, in depriving a large number of their own constituents (the colored people) of the elective franchise, heretofore possessed by them without any allegation of its abuse on their part, would seem to prove an unpropitious state of public sentiment.

He had neither breath nor presence of mind enough left even to deny the allegation, and when he did recover his breath he found himself walking dejectedly down the stairs of the Nursery Days building with his bundle of encomia in his hands.

Enough, however, will be exhibited, in the course of this volume, to make the foregoing allegation credible; and of the rest a more accurate judgement may perhaps be formed, when they shall have been compared with what this work will present as substitutes.

If therefore I can prove to you that Mr. Higgleby was never lawfully married to Tomascene Startup in Chicago on the eleventh of last May or at any other time, the allegation of bigamy falls to the ground; at any rate so far as this indictment is concerned.

The allegation that the island has never "cut any figure politically as a disturbing factor" is absurd.

Not less preposterous is the allegation, that three-fourths of the whole exports of British cottons to Portugal are destined for, and introduced into Spain by contraband.

He was summoned by the judge to prove his allegation at the next court day, and to pay his court and other fees.

" Now what are the facts, upon which this grave allegation against the whole tribe is founded.

214 examples of  allegation  in sentences