2014 examples of alleges in sentences

The verses to the memory of a lost love veiled as "Thyrza," of moderate artistic merit, were not, as Moore alleges, mere plays of imagination, but records of a sincere grief.

Nevertheless that restless spirit Sir Charles McGregor, Quartermaster-General, was naturally anxious to know something of the debateable land that lies north of the Kabul river and south of the Hindoo Koosh, and which tradition alleges to have been colonised by the soldiers of the Great Alexander himself.

Dryden alleges "charity" as the single impulse of the appointment,not the merit or aptitude of the candidate.

That he disapproved of much that had been done, we may readily believe; but he only records his own weakness, where he alleges in excuse of his conduct that his name had been subscribed to the resolves of the council, whether he consented or not.

He alleges, that he never was really of any party but his own; a naïve confession, probably true in one sense, considering his scorn of other people, his great intellectual superiority, and the large views he had for the whole Italian people.

For false judgments also formally claim 'truth,' No judgment alleges that it is false.[C]

The resolution is preceded by a preamble which alleges as reasons for this request that the causes which may have produced the removal of the officer referred to may contain information necessary to the action of the Senate on the nomination of his successor and to the investigation now in progress respecting the frauds in the sales of the public lands.

The honorable gentleman alleges, that the Southern States are weak, I sincerely agree with himwe are so weak that by ourselves we could not form an union strong enough for the purpose of effectually protecting each other.

He alleges that you must have been close at hand, and moved not a finger to save him until half his troop was destroyed.

J. W. Wright alleges, that, "The phrase, 'I want two spoonfuls or handfuls,' though common, is improperly constructed;" and that, "we should say, 'Two spoons or hands full.

But this author alleges, that, "Loved is not formed by adding d to love, but by adding ed, and dropping e from love.

But having once owned that John Caldigate is her daughter's husband, she now alleges no further doubt on the matter.

But, as I understand it, Sir George, he alleges that the young lady who has disappeared lays claim to your honour's estates at Estcombe.' 'At Estcombe?' 'Yes, sir.' Sir George did not reply, but stood staring at the man, his mind divided between two thoughts.

" "A terrible tragedy was revealed in the suit begun to-day," continued the article, "by Mrs. Huntington Close against Dr. James Gregory, an X-ray specialist with offices atMadison Avenue, to recover damages for injuries which Mrs. Close alleges she received while under his care.

In her complaint Mrs. Close alleges that Dr. Gregory has carelessly caused X-ray dermatitis, a skin disease of cancerous nature, and that she has also been rendered a nervous wreck through the effects of the rays.

She really has dermatitis and nervous prostration, exactly as she alleges in her complaint.

If Amarilli can prove Silvio guilty she will herself be free, and she agrees to hide in a recess in a cave where Corisca alleges that Silvio has an assignation.

Finally, in order to obtain a witness, she accuses Amarilli to Mirtillo of being faithless, and bids him watch the mouth of the cave in which she alleges the nymph has an assignation with Coridone.

Yet no one alleges that he has ever seen parr as such, making a journey towards the sea "They cannot do so" says Mr Shaw, "because they have been previously converted into smolts.

Seneca, in his third book, endeavouring to give a probable reason for the existence of such islands, alleges that there are certain rocks so light and spongy in their substance, that islands in India which are composed of such do actually swim upon the water.

He alleges that we burned many cities and temples, forgetting that any of us, the true conquerors, were still alive to contradict his assertions.

E. Clavigero alleges that this name neither is nor can be Mexican, but does not correct the orthography.

" BELISA`RIUS, a general under the Emperor Justinian, born in Illyria; defeated the Persians, the Vandals, and the Ostrogoths; was falsely accused of conspiracy, but acquitted, and restored to his dignities by the emperor; though another tradition, now discredited, alleges that for the crimes charged against him he had his eyes put out, and was reduced to beggary (505-565).

He questions me concerning the letter of General Jackson to Mr. Monroe which Crawford alleges to have been produced at the Cabinet meetings on the Seminole War, and asks for copies, if I think proper to give them, of Crawford's letter to me which I received last summer, and of my answer.

He asserts (alleges, maintains, declares, affirms, says) that he has been robbed.

2014 examples of  alleges  in sentences