5 examples of alsen in sentences

"Jutland, including Holstein, is about 280 miles long and 80 miles broad; the islands, of various dimensions, are Zealand, Funen, Langland, Laland, Falster, Mona, Femeren, Alsen, &c. Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is a large, rich, and well-fortified town, situated on the island of Zealand; the population about 100,000.

Alsen 15 6 600 Ditto.

ALSEN (25), a Danish island adjacent to Sleswig, one of the finest in the Baltic, now ceded to Germany.

HERWARTH VON BITTENFELD, KARL EBERHARD, a Prussian general; came to the front during the war of liberation, and in 1864 as general captured the Isle of Alsen, and two years later operated with great success at the head of the army in Saxony and Bohemia; during the Franco-German War he became governor of the Rhine provinces and a field-marshal (1796-1884).

Another brilliant feat of arms, the transference of the Prussian troops across the sea to the island of Alsen, completed the war.

5 examples of  alsen  in sentences