1600 examples of alternating in sentences

Who, if his heart be not of steel or stone, Can read unmoved of Charley or of Jo; Of dear Miss Flite, who, though her wits be flown, Has kept a soul as pure as driven snow; Of the fierce "man from Shropshire" overthrown By Law's delays; of Caddy's inky woe; Or of the alternating fits and fluster That harass the unhappy slavey, Guster?

unstaid^, inconstant; unsteady, unstable, unfixed, unsettled; fluctuating &c v.; restless; agitated &c 315; erratic, fickle; irresolute &c 605; capricious &c 608; touch and go; inconsonant, fitful, spasmodic; vibratory; vagrant, wayward; desultory; afloat; alternating; alterable, plastic, mobile; transient &c 111; wavering.

[electrical resonance] tuning, squelch, frequency selection; resonator, resonator circuit; radio &c [chemical resonance] resonant structure, aromaticity, alternating double bonds, non-bonded resonance; pi clouds, unsaturation, double bond, (valence).

She was a woman fitted to be the helper and guide of such a man as Mahomet, eager, impulsive, prone to swiftly alternating extremes of depression and elation.

A wonderful experience alternating between Spring and Winter as he changes his levels.

Broad deep swamps alternating with tracts of sandy desert, with nothing to relieve the monotonous landscape but occasional clumps of "feesh," a stunted palm about three feet in height, and rough cairns of rock erected by travellers to mark the pathway where it had become obliterated, sufficiently describes the scenery passed through for the first three days after leaving Beïla.

Arrived at the end, we again emerged into daylight, and, ascending a flight of rickety wooden steps, found ourselves in the durbar-rooma spacious apartment, its walls decorated with green, gold, and crimson panels, alternating with large looking-glasses.

" Still tantalized by baffling head winds and alternating calms and gales, they were, however, gradually approaching the coast.

" On July 7, Morse, with four friends, left Rome at four o'clock in the morning for Naples, where they arrived on the 11th after the usual experiences; beggars continually marring the peaceful beauty of every scene by their importunities; good inns, with courteous landlords and servants, alternating with wretched taverns and insolent attendants.

But there were others when she saw his defects and was irritated by them: when his loudness and redness, his misplaced joviality, his familiarity with the servants, his alternating swagger and ceremony with her friends, jarred on perceptions that had developed in her unawares.

After this steeping process is completed, the water is let off from below, and pure water admitted from above under pressure, until the color begins to change; the fibre is then steeped for three or four hours in a weak solution of soda-ash; the alkali is washed out by the admission of pure water alternating with steam, and, if necessary to complete the bleaching, a weak solution of chlorine is applied.

Now, it was the infantry who charged,with the riflemen in reserve, probably to prevent a rout, in case the enemy pursued a repulse; then, it was the riflemen, with the infantry in reserve; and so alternating through three or four charges;so that there never could have been more than a very contemptible force facing the enemy at one time.

To the endemic troubles of succession and alternating alliances and wars with foreign powers were added those of confession.

The materialworked blocks of marble pillaged from ancient monuments, alternating with courses of contemporary brickproduces a completely new aesthetic effect upon the eye; and the structurea grouping of lesser cupolas round a central dome is the very antithesis of the 'upright-and-horizontal' style which confronts him in ruins upon the Akropolis.

Alternating currents.

Essentials of alternating currents.

Alternating current machinery.

Alternating-current circuits, by John Myron Bryant and James A. Correll.

Vol.2: alternating currents.

The seat was wrought in geraniums of every tint, all grown to an even, compact surface, presenting figures as diversified as the alternating hues could produce.

Rosa Bonheur, with her wanderings among mountains and pastures, alternating with the vigorous work of the studio, needed no other appliances for health.

They hold the moisture, the metal, the gem, the seeds of alternating forests and the patient routine of countless harvests.

Pampas and deserts are found alternating with steppes.

Madrepores: twelve tentacles, alternating in six larger and six smaller ones; frequently a larger top animal standing prominent in the whole community, or on the summit of its branches.

Porites: twelve tentacles, not alternating in size; system of connected beams.

1600 examples of  alternating  in sentences