173 examples of altruistic in sentences

It is our altruistic, nay, our bounden duty to save them from such misery.

These constitute the majority in the world of criminals and must be distinguished from the minority, who are evolutionary, or progressive, abnormals, that may also commit crime in a violent form, but must not be confounded with the others, because they do not act from egoistic motives, but rebel from altruistic motives against the injustice of the present order.

These altruistic criminals feel the sufferings and horrors due to the injustice surrounding them and may go so far as to commit murder, which must always be condemned, but which must not be confounded with atavistic or egoistic murder.

But the reasons for such a crime are different, being egoistic in the one, and altruistic in the other case.

Therefore we cannot have words of praise or excuse for political murder, though it may be inspired by altruistic motives.

We can demand that the legislator should distinguish between the psychological sources of these two forms of murder, the egoistic and the altruistic form.

She was an ardent disciple of the Epicurean philosophy, but in her adhesion to its precepts, she added that altruistic unselfishness so much insisted upon at the present day.

There is, of course, another side to all this: the more highly developed nations do owe leadership and service in helping those below to climb the path of civilization; but let one answer fairly how much of empire building has been due to this altruistic spirit, and how much to selfishness and the lust for power and possession.

It was this mode of behavior in the little animal which ultimately provided opportunity for the observations which I wish now to report as indicative of sympathetic, possibly I may say altruistic, emotions.

The above is undoubtedly the best evidence of anything altruistic that I obtained.

A Frenchman of a generation ago would scarcely have recognized the England pictured by the amiable Bordeaux professor, and I am not sure that in this entirely altruistic big brother of little nations the English would have recognized themselves.

Ludicrous, uproarious, dignified, pious, sinful, naively confidential, secretive, altruistic, realistic.

On the whole, after weighing all the pros and cons, we decided that our pronounced aversion to being shot had purely an altruistic origin.

The Christian idea of a debt owed to God, which we can only repay by perfect loyalty and self-abnegation, becomes to George Eliot a debt owed to humanity, which we can only repay in the purest altruistic spirit.

It consists in a humble submission to the invariable laws of the universe, a profound love of humanity, a glorification of feeling and affection, and a renunciation of personal and selfish desires for an altruistic devotion to the good of the race.

The life and death of Christ is a symbol of that altruistic spirit of renunciation and sorrow willingly borne, by which humanity is being lifted up and brought towards its true destiny.

In like manner, her altruistic spirit may be accepted and realized by those who can find no sympathy for her intellectual speculations.

The animal has sympathy, and is moved by sympathetic impulses, but these are never altruistic; the ends are never remote.

The value of religion as a reforming force is plainly inculcated, as well as that the main and only value of that force is altruistic.

The remedy for this sorrow, even in the pages of Adam Bede, is not the atoning love of Christ or the blessedness of a divine forgiveness, but the altruistic compassion of man for man.

Having failed to find mental purity and admiration of personal beauty in the Indian's love-affairs, let us now see how he stands in regard to the altruistic impulses which differentiate love from self-love.

SYMPTOMS OF MASCULINE LOVE Since Hindoo women, in spite of their altruistic training, are prevented by their lack of culture or virtue (the domestic virtuous women have no culture and the cultured bayadères have no virtue) from rising to the heights of sentimental love, it would be hopeless to expect the amazingly selfish, unsympathetic and cruel men to do so, despite their intellectual culture.

True gallantry being one of the altruistic ingredients of love, it would be useless to seek for it among the Hindoos.

Now that she had gone he appreciated her meek adoration, her altruistic devotion.

No person is entirely without the sympathetic, idealistic and altruistic impulses, which after all are the mainsprings of social adaptation.

173 examples of  altruistic  in sentences