17 examples of amazedly in sentences

I humbly thank you, Sir [Bows to the King, takes the Staff from Orgulius, and gives it to Alcippus, who looks amazedly.

Then his eyes opened, and he sat swaying unsteadily and staring amazedly about him.

He gaped at us amazedly as we clambered up toward him, and I saw that he was licking his lips convulsively.

No one spoke a word for a while and no one shouted, but each man looked into his neighbor's face amazedly.

Thus he sang blithely, while all who stood near listened amazedly.

"I have been in the forest," answered Little John, speaking amazedly, "and there I saw a sight such as ne'er before man's eyes beheld!

Above, the trees were hinting that life might still be lived acceptably, as in Eden days; though they seemed to suspect that the stage of it to which they were amazedly awakening must be at least the autumn, and timidly clothed themselves accordingly.

One that boasted the widest area in days when it must be hoed for the advantage of potatoes insanely planted there, was now a plot so tiny that the returned wanderer, amazedly staring at it, abandoned all effort to make it occupy its old place in his memory.

Now, do you understand?" Mr. Outwood looked amazedly at Psmith, and Psmith shook his head sorrowfully at Mr. Outwood.

He swears big at an ordinary, and talks of the court with a sharp accent; neither vouchsafes to name any not honourable, nor those without some term of familiarity, and likes well to see the hearer look upon him amazedly, as if he said, How happy is this man that is so great with great ones!

No one stopped him, till a lady met him and stared amazedly at him.

While she sat there, drawn-faced with the cold, thinking rather amazedly these things which she told herself she had no right to think, the launch slipped into the quiet nook of Cougar Bay and slowed down to the float.

Amazedly, it seemed to her, he stopped right in the middle of what he was saying and sat there, his gaze fixed full on her.

" He was amazedly silent.

Ken asked amazedly.

he inquired amazedly.

" "Not been here at all," echoed Merritt, amazedly.

17 examples of  amazedly  in sentences