35 examples of ambiguously in sentences

The boy smiles at you from the canvas, smiles ambiguously,smiles with a woman's mouth, set above a resolute chin, however,and with a sort of humorous sadness in his eyes.

Oh, precious child, how could you?" Gerald Musgrave smiled back at her, ambiguously; and Rudolph Musgrave laughed.

" The boy smiles at you from the canvas, smiles ambiguously, as the colonel now noted.

"I was beginning to fear I wouldn't have much sleep, old boy," chuckled McGill ambiguously, "but I guess I can take a nap now and then with you along!

The murmurs of mine hostess, not very indistinctly or ambiguously pronounced, became after a time inaudibleand now my conscience, which the whimsical scene had for a while suspended, beginning to give some twitches, I waited, in the hope that some justification would be offered by these serious persons for the seeming injustice of their conduct.

Your friend passed you on such or such a day,having in his company one that you conceived worse than ambiguously disposed towards you,passed you in the street without notice.

"He's waiting, sir," said he, ambiguously.

'I think,' quoth Lancelot, ambiguously, 'that a man who can write such ballads is not fit to be your gamekeeper, and I think he feels so himself;' and Lancelot stole an encouraging look at Tregarva.

The decree, however, was worded so ambiguously, that the two parties in St. Domingo, the Whites and the People of Colour, interpreted it each of them in its own favour.

"I've planned eloping lots of times," she said ambiguously.

" "Very well!" commented Mr. Grimm ambiguously.

For it is clear that words which may be used ambiguously may on occasion leave no doubt as to their meaning, while conversely all may become 'ambiguous' in a context.

There is, also, another method of disparaging witnesses, and examinations under torture; for often those answers which have been given may be attacked very cleverly, if they have been expressed rather ambiguously or inconsistently, or with any incredible circumstances; or in different ways by different witnesses.

To say that he found it in Judea, is to speak ambiguously.

To say that he found it in Judea, is to speak ambiguously.

To say that he found it in Judea, is to speak ambiguously.

Indeed, I am quite unable to imagine how the periodical, and more especially the intermittent form, of headache is to be explained by what Dr. Sieveking describes rather ambiguously as a "change in the constitution of the blood."

"A man may, in respect of grammatical purity, speak unexceptionably, and yet speak obscurely and ambiguously; and though we cannot say, that a man may speak properly, and at the same time speak unintelligibly, yet this last case falls more naturally to be considered as an offence against perspicuity, than as a violation of propriety.

Examples are so very common, I shall cite but one: "A man may, in respect to grammatical purity, speak unexceptionably, and yet speak obscurely, or ambiguously; and though we cannot say, that a man may speak properly, and at the same time speak unintelligibly, yet this last case falls more naturally to be considered as an offence against perspicuity, than as a violation of propriety.

[Cardinal John de' Medici, elected pope March 11, 1513], favorable inclinations; but they were at first very ambiguously and reservedly manifested.

At the expiration of thirty-six blameless hours he perceived that he was looking through a glass darkly, in the Business Man's Club, intently regarding a neatly-lettered placard which ambiguously advised all concerned in this wise: IF DRINKING INTERFERES WITH YOUR BUSINESS, STOP IT.

Prima facie there is this in favor of the eaches, that they are at any rate real enough to have made themselves at least appear to every one, whereas the absolute has as yet appeared immediately to only a few mystics, and indeed to them very ambiguously.

[lacuna] however, when all were questioned man by man regarding his honors, both others answered ambiguously and [lacuna] Saturninus

The first sentence of the translation is rather ambiguously worded.

" "Has Mr. Van Staats any hidden meaning in his words, that he speaks ambiguously?" demanded Ludlow.

35 examples of  ambiguously  in sentences