27 examples of amerika in sentences

The Baltic, two hundred miles to the eastward, bound for Europe, turned back to the rescue; the Olympic, still farther away, hastened to the aid of her sister ship; the Cincinnati, Prince Adelbert, Amerika, the Prinz Friederich Wilhelm, and many others, abandoned all else to fly to help those in danger.

SEE Mackenzie, C. F. KAFKA, FRANZ. Amerika.

SEE Shipley, Maynard. SHOCKEN BOOKS, INC. Amerika.

Kleine Liebe zu Amerika.

Elin's Amerika.

SEE Mackenzie, C. F. KAFKA, FRANZ. Amerika.

SEE Shipley, Maynard. SHOCKEN BOOKS, INC. Amerika.

Kleine Liebe zu Amerika.

Elin's Amerika.

R567678. Amerika.

Clareta Olmstead Smith (A); 14Feb74; R570677. R570685. Amerika.

Bastian, A.: Culturländer des alten Amerika.

Nachrichten von verschiedenen Ländern des Spanischen Amerika.

Tschudi, J.J. von: Reisen durch Süd Amerika.

The latter was loud in expressions of admiration and sympathy as Mrs. Brady described the splendours of the past; the servant-man and the servant-maid, who, according to her, once formed portion of her establishment; the four beautiful milch cows which her husband kept, besides sheep, and a horse an' car, and "bastes" innumerable; the three little boys they buried, and then BarneyBarney, the jewel, who was now in Amerika.

Th. Waitz, l.c.; A. Bastian, Die Culturländer des alten Amerika (Berlin, 1878), ii. 204.

G.H. von Langsdorff, Reise um die Welt (Frankfort, 1812), ii. 114 sq.; H.J. Holmberg, "Ethnographische Skizzen über die Völker des Russischen Amerika," Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae, iv. (Helsingfors, 1856) pp.

[130] H.J. Holmberg, "Ueber die Völker des Russischen Amerika," Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae, iv.

von Martius, Zur Ethnographie Amerika's, zumal Brasiliens (Leipsic, 1867), pp. 212 sqq.; Colonel G.E. Church, Aborigines of South America (London, 1912), pp.

von Martius, Zur Ethnographie Amerika's, zumal Brasiliens (Leipsic, 1867), p. 644.

It was the expression of Doctor Drechsler, head of the Amerika-Institut in Berlin, and one of the powerful propaganda triumvirate composed of himself, Doctor Bertling, and the late Professor Munsterberg.

The Deutsche Bank and the Hamburg-Amerika Line were very potent engines of espionage.

How active they have been in my country may be gathered from the revelations concerning Bernstorff, von Papen, Boyed, Dumba, the officials of the Hamburg-Amerika Line, and many others, whose machinations have been revealed by the New York World and other journals.

To the cry "Gott strafe England" has been added "Gott strafe Amerika," the latter being as popular with the German women as the German men.

I was well aware that the same Wilhelmstrasse, while laying the wires for an attempt to have my country play Germany's game, was sedulously continuing its propaganda of Gott strafe Amerika among the German people.

27 examples of  amerika  in sentences