197 examples of an umbrella in sentences

Judge CONNOLLY, after walking all the way from Yorkville, agrees with the Sun in believing, that something more than an umbrella tempted this young MONTMORENCY PADREGON to waylay EDWIN WOOD.

[Carlos and Julia sit under an Umbrella.

"It seems likely to rain," he said, "have you an umbrella?" The Butterfly looked curiously at him, but returned no answer.

Charles Lamb speaks of his holding an umbrella over a market-woman's fruit-basket, lest her store should be spoilt by a sudden shower; and his uncovering his head to a servant-girl who was requesting him to direct her on her way.

The young man in the dark clothes hadn't even an umbrella.

Each of the riders is furnished with one or two djerids, straight white sticks, a little thinner than an umbrella-stick, less at one end than at the other and about an ell in length, together with a thin cane crooked at the head.

I had an umbrella in my right hand, not expecting that he would put out his hand to me; in my haste to take it when offered, I had advanced my left hand: 'What!' said he, 'give your friend your left hand upon such an occasion?' I showed the cause, and immediately changing the umbrella to the other, I gave him my right hand, which he shook and pressed warmly.

Somebody struck at him with an umbrella.

An umbrella was quite a necessary appendage at times, to avoid its effects, which are often fatal to Europeans at the time of the summer solstice.

Even when it rains, the pedestrian can walk for miles about the city, without being in want of an umbrella.

That is the way to circumvent the man with an umbrella conscience.

"But you had an umbrella with that dog," said the man.

"If you will oblige me by the loan of an umbrella, I will go myself.

"But I hate to think of that old Harding creature getting any" The door flew open suddenly, and a tall, thin-faced woman in a raincoat, and holding up an umbrella, stood in the doorway.

On a rainy day I have seen a tall man walk gravely along the middle of the street through the whole length of the town, bearing a large empty cask balanced upon his head, over which he held an umbrella.

I knew it was not Worsfold's, because there was an umbrella there with his initial on the handle.

This trick Jay has imported into her own establishment: she has an umbrella called Macdonald, and a little occasional pleurisy pain under one rib, which she introduces to the Family as Julia.

For an umbrella they entertain profound regard, probably looking upon it as the most luxurious superfluity a person can possess, and therefore a badge of great wealth.

Then there is the ceaseless patter overhead, and so close overhead that one almost feels like raising an umbrella.

The most serious damage appears to be two top-hats crushed and an umbrella broken.

We opened an umbrella over our poor sister's head, and now began a discussion of ways and means to repair damages.

A sympathizing neighbor held over the suffering woman an umbrella to shield her from the rain which poured through the dilapidated roof, and when the dreary light of that Sunday morning dawned, my frail bark was launched on the stormy, sullen sea of life.

Marcus did not notice that, behind him, was a woman struggling between the two rows of seats with a bandbox, a workbasket, an umbrella, and her hoops, all of which caught in turn on one side or the other.

If he has an umbrella or a stick it is likely to be broken for examination.

Mrs. Taylor and her sister walked to the end of the platform and looked across, a biscuit-toss away, to where Stoddard stood talking to the girl I had already heard described as wearing a gray coat and carrying an umbrella.

197 examples of  an umbrella  in sentences