1006 examples of analogies in sentences

[10:1] Much harm has been done by rashly pressing human metaphors and analogies; such as, that Revelation is a message from God and therefore must be infallible, &c.

In fact, one purpose of the following exposition will be to show why and where all such analogies fail.

The analogy, like all other analogies, would not bear being pressed.

431, 432,) the principal analogies which suggest the extreme view are referred to, and the remark is appended,"But this inference is chiefly grounded on analogy, and it is immaterial whether or not it be accepted.

The sarcasms of Swift were not without justification; for crazier analogies than that between Andromache and Andrew Mackay have been gravely insisted on by persons who, like the author of "Amilec," believed that the true secret of philosophizing est celui de rêver heureusement.

Some students, from natural fineness of ear, would be quicker to recognize resemblances of sound; others would trace family likeness in spite of every disguise; others, whose exquisiteness of perception was mental, would find the scent in faint analogies of meaning, where the ordinary brain would be wholly at fault.

It would seem that to draw into an ambush, the drawing of a fowler's net, and the more sublimated drawing a man on to his destruction, supplied analogies enough.

[Footnote c: That is, unless he takes the rag in dragan to be the same thing, which he might support with several plausible analogies, such as E. rake, It. recare, etc.]

With him analogies outweigh reasons; he is more concerned about the rich content of concepts than about their sharp definition; and in the endeavor to show the unity of the universe, both in the great and in the little, especially to show the unity of nature and spirit, he dwells longer on the relationship of objects than on their antitheses, which he is glad to reduce to mere quantitative and temporary differences.

Schelling was far outdone in fantastic analogies of this kind by his pupils, especially by Oken, who in his Sketch of the Philosophy of Nature, 1805, compares the sense of hearing, for example, to the parabola, to a metal, to a bone, to the bird, to the mouse, and to the horse.

The Hebrew is based on roots like the Indian, which appear to have strong analogies to the Semitic family.

But the general analogies of speech, which are the central principles of grammar, are but imperfectly seen by the man of one language.

Verbal analogies test, form A.

Verbal analogies test, form B. By George Kettner Bennett, Harold Gustav Seashore & Alexander Gregory Wesman.

Miller analogies test; graduate level, form G. By Wilford Stanton Miller.

R596058. Manual for the Miller analogies test.

Miller analogies test; graduate level, form G. By Wilford Stanton Miller.

All follow one analogy or another; and all the analogies are with some one or other of the universe's subdivisions.

Hypotheses, and deductions from these, controlled by sense-observations and analogies with what we know elsewhere, are to be thanked for all of science's results.

I live now, and change from one day to another; I shall live hereafter, and change still more, etc. Bain defines genius as the power of seeing analogies.

The numerous facts of divided or split human personality which the genius of certain medical men, as Janet, Freud, Prince, Sidis, and others, have unearthed were unknown in Fechner's time, and neither the phenomena of automatic writing and speech, nor of mediumship and 'possession' generally, had been recognized or studied as we now study them, so Fechner's stock of analogies is scant compared with our present one.

Both might then leave abstract thinness behind them, and seek together, as scientific men seek, by using all the analogies and data within reach, to build up the most probable approximate idea of what the divine consciousness concretely may be like.

That is, the little secretary, for the first time in his existence, saw life as a whole, and interpreted the vision so wondrous sweet and simple, with the analogies of sound communicated to his subliminal mind by the mighty Skale.

What would be thought of the critic who would now attempt to investigate the etymology of the English word bishop, by dividing it into two syllables, and seeking analogies in sound for each syllable.

The former were interested to discover analogies which would make it appear that they had been foreordained to conversion; the latter were infested with the notion that they were descendants of one of the Lost Tribes.

1006 examples of  analogies  in sentences