13623 examples of and said in sentences

General Custer thanked me for having brought him straight across the country without any trail, and said that if I were not engaged as post scout at Fort Hays he would like to have me accompany him as one of his scouts during the summer; and he added that whenever I was out of employment, if I would come to him he would find something for me to do.

He stepped from the door; he approached Gloster and said in a confidential whisper that reached easily to the other three: "They ain't any call for a quick play, mister.

She took her cousin affectionately by the hand, and said "Grace, this confidence is the highest compliment you can pay me, and it merits a return.

The next day Kai-khosráu left his apartment, and called together his great men and warriors, and said to them: "That which I sought for, I have now obtained.

The Commissary rose from his seat; M. Baze briskly took possession of his chair, seated himself at the table, and said to Sieur Primorin, "You are a public officer; I request you to add my protest to your official report."

In the intervals he was, however, quite self-possessed, and said to Fletcher, "I now begin to think I am seriously ill; and in case I should be taken off suddenly, I wish to give you several directions, which I hope you will be particular in seeing executed."

"A guy who had enough gilt on to be a Major-General in the National Guard came floundering up and Wilbur gave him his real name and the wop said, 'This way, please, threw us into a young elevator and we went up a couple of stories and along a hall until we came to a door which the gee threw open and said, 'This is your stateroom.' "Honest, I never saw such a drum.

Then he became very formal all at once, and said, 'Does this silk suit you, Mrs. Delano?'

So he wrote his brilliant Essay on Milton, which took all England by storm, and said of it afterward that it contained "scarcely a paragraph which his mature judgment approved."

The heroine at length turned, and said, "How now, friend?what is thy business?" "Death!" answered the pursuer.

" Forgetting to whom she was speaking, a young girl and a servant, she lowered her voice, and said confidentially: "Well, one pays for being too sensible, too.

Then vowing oft to meet his valiant friend, The prince returned, and with the happy news Appeared before the king, who blest his son And said: "My son!

He changed it now, drawing nearer for an instant, then went to the side of the grave that he had asked me concerning, kneeled there, laid two hands above it, and said, "Letty was right, Miss Anna.

At this the crowd murmured, and said, "What have you to do here with marriages?

The negro replied to his chidings in a humble way, saying 'I couldn't help it, sir, I couldn't help it' Mr. C. finally turned to us, and said in a calmer tone, "The poor fellow got confused, and was frightened half to death.

One day the Indian brought a very large otter skin, and said "I want to get for this ten pounds of sugar, and some flour and cloth," adding, "I am not like other Indians, I want to pay for what I get.

While he lay there asleep, the chief of the camp came to him and woke him, and said: "Well, friend, what have you decided on?

" Mivins seemed deeply impressed with this explanation, and would probably have continued the conversation much longer, had he not been interrupted by the voice of his mischievous satellite, Davie Summers, who touched his forelock and said, "Please, Mr. Mivins, shall I lay the table-cloth? or would it be better to slump dinner with tea this afternoon?" Mivins started.

Edward Irving went to see a dying boy once, and when he entered the room he just put his hand on the sufferer's head, and said, "My boy, God loves you," and went away.

But to her surprise Mrs. Condor merely shrugged her shoulders and said: "What difference does it make?

She was not at churchshe never went there, you remember; but of course she was curious to hear about you, and I had no sooner got home than she came to me and said, 'Was he there?'

The seated woman turned her head round and up, and asked the woman behind her chair: "Who did you say?" Editha, if she had done what she expected of herself, would have gone down on her knees at the feet of the seated figure and said, "I am George's Editha," for answer.

" Azad Bakht began his adventures, and said, "Hear, O pilgrims, the adventures of the king.

Its new name was S. Maria ad Martyres,and in order to sanctify its precincts, the Pope brought into the city and placed under the altars of his new church twenty-eight wagon-loads of bones, collected from the different catacombs, and said to be those of martyrs.

My mother urged her to have some medical advice, whereupon she turned on her very angrily, while the tears started to her beautiful eyes, and said, "How can you tell me to do any such thing, when you know that I have not a guinea for the purpose?"

13623 examples of  and said  in sentences