16816 examples of animal in sentences

Think of an education which impressed on the minds of interesting young girls that the trifling sins which they committed every day, and which proceeded from the exuberance of animal spirits, justly doomed them to everlasting burnings, without expiations,a creed so cruel as to undermine the health, and make life itself a misery!

" "Good color is a good thing, undoubtedly," said the master, "but a beautiful horse is a good horse, not necessarily an animal which would look well in a painted landscape, because its color would harmonize with the hue of the trees.

The Texan, on her right hand, had enough to do to keep her horse and his own absolutely motionless that she might not be thrown by any unexpected motion of either animal.

An untrained horse would not understand the orders, no matter how good an animal he might be.

"Last time he was hear I had to take him off Abdallah," he says sadly, and then he goes to the mounting-stand to deny "the regular flyer," and to tender instead, "an animal that we don't give to everybody, William."

"A good half mile," your master says, approvingly, as you fall into a walk and pass him, and then you do a volte or two, and one little round at a canter, and then walk five minutes, and dismount to find the rider of the alleged William assuring John, the head groom, that redoubtable animal needs "taking down.

Cowper's life is a pathetic story of a shy and timid genius, who found the world of men too rough, and who withdrew to nature like a wounded animal.

for an animal which he intends to employ, not for purposes of profit, but in riding to church, or on occasions of festivity.

The poor animal, unused to the dangers around, had the temerity to run out and bark at the packhe soon after gave one agonizing yelp, and we never saw him again.

In the middle of a field into which his windows looked, was a skeleton sort of a machine, his Universal Scratcher; with which every animal from a lamb to a bullock could scratch itself.

He thanked God for his animal spirits, which received, unhappily, in 1829, a terrible shock from the death of his eldest son, Douglas, aged twenty-four.

The room was bedded down ankle-deep in straw; and the straw, which had probably been fresh the day before, already gave off a strong musky odorthe smell of an animal cage in a zoo.

The brain is still distempered by himself, or by consent: by himself or his proper affection, as Faventinus calls it, [2420]"or by vapours which arise from the other parts, and fume up into the head, altering the animal facilities.

but as Hercules de Saxonia contends, from that agitation or distemperature of the animal spirits alone.

Both these opinions may stand good, as Bruel maintains, and Capivaccius, si cerebrum sit calidius, "if the brain be hot, the animal spirits will be hot, and thence comes madness; if cold, folly.

These two independent argumentsfrom alpine temperatures and from those of the moonsupport and enforce each other, and afford a conclusive proof (as against anything advanced by Mr. Lowell) that the temperature of Mars must be far too low to support animal life.

The combination of these two results must bring down the temperature of Mars to a degree wholly incompatible with the existence of animal life.

The conclusion from these three independent proofs, which enforce each other in the multiple ratio of their respective weights, is therefore irresistiblethat animal life, especially in its higher forms, cannot exist on the planet.

The disputants ceased their discussion and watched him intently as though he were some performing animal.

Ah, prate as we will of the progress of the race, we are but forging additional fetters, unless we preserve that healthy physical development, those pure pleasures of mere animal existence, which are now only to be found among our semi-barbaric brethren.

Our other Interpreter used to talk very much of a kind of Animal called a Tory, that was as great a Monster as the Whig, and would treat us as ill for being Foreigners.

This is still more remarkable in his Account of the Fifth and Sixth Days, in which he has drawn out to our View the whole Animal Creation, from the Reptil to the Behemoth.

You must know, says WILL., the Reason is, because they consider every Animal as a Brother or Sister in disguise, and therefore think themselves obliged to extend their Charity to them, tho under such mean Circumstances.

Sanctius his animal, mentisque capacius altæ Deerat adhuc, et quod dominari in coetera posset, Natus homo est.

He added, that the Cat had contributed more to Harmony than any other Animal; as we are not only beholden to her for this Wind-Instrument, but for our String Musick in general.

16816 examples of  animal  in sentences