40 examples of ankle-deep in sentences

" He slid off his perch into the ankle-deep water and waded out to the boat.

All the ground was covered, not with grass and green leaves, but with radiant corollas, about ankle-deep next the foot-hills, knee-deep or more five or six miles out.

As he toiled over the loose sand, sometimes sinking ankle-deep in it, the curious deep murmuring sound he had heard for so long grew louder and louder, until it was like the sound of a mighty wind in a wood, but deeper and hoarser, rising and falling, and at intervals broken by great throbs, as of thunder echoed and re-echoed among the distant hills.

Dear Moxon,The snows are ankle-deep, slush, and mire, that 't is hard to get to the post-office, and cruel to send the maid out.

The ground was muddy in places, slippery in others; and here and there it held pools of water ankle-deep.

Three days before he had been in the west arm of Death Valley on a short water allowance, ankle-deep in shifty sand; now he was on the rise of Waban, knee-deep in sodden snow, and in both cases he did the only allowable thinghe walked on.

Late one day of a most bitter winter,that season when, to the ecstatic amazement of a whole city-full of children, snow covered the streets ankle-deep,there came a soft tap on the corridor-door of this pair of rooms.

Then from one of the upper plantations came the report that he and four other desperadoes with horses and pistols had marched away in snow ankle-deep.

From ankle-deep to knee-deep, Andy stood helpless.

I stood ankle-deep in the cool water: every spadeful came out with a smack, and as I turned it over at the edge of the ditch small turgid rivulets coursed back again.

We left the impression of our boots; and if we had stood still awhile, we should soon have been ankle-deep.

But poetry had spoiled me just then for anything like scientific research, and as I waded through the ankle-deep sand I said to myself all at once, "No, no!

The room was bedded down ankle-deep in straw; and the straw, which had probably been fresh the day before, already gave off a strong musky odorthe smell of an animal cage in a zoo.

In one cookshop window a trio of plaster nymphs who stood ankle-deep in a pool of crimped green paper, upheld a huge garland of cunningly moulded wax roses, dahlias, and lilac, above which perched a pheasant regnant.

It rained hard and the road was excessively bad, sometimes almost ankle-deep in mud.

The mud was ankle-deep and the road back to Malines was now in the possession of the Germans, so we were compelled to make a detour through a deserted country- side, running through the inky blackness without lights so as not to invite a visit from a shell.

Others have waded ankle-deep in the crowd; but he, a grimy, infinitesimal molecule, had been at the bottom wholly submerged, where the light of idealism is not supposed to penetrate.

I stood ankle-deep in violets, where they had run wild under a gnarled old apple-tree, and gave way to my wounded vanity.

"How long, how long!" was my cry, as I walked out ankle-deep in the dust to see the sun, like a ball of blood, sink behind the hills on that February evening.

With this idea in my head, sinking ankle-deep in the dust, and threading my way through the pigs and fowls which hung around the back door, I went in search of my master.

The floor was for the most part quite dry, but at intervals there were muddy pools nearly ankle-deep.

Believe it, the man that from his boyhood has stood ankle-deep in the chill water of the ditch, patiently labouring with axe and bill; who has trudged across the furrow, hand on plough, facing sleet and mist; who has swung the sickle under the summer sunthis is the man for the trenches.

The deck, too, was ankle-deep in water, as I found when I tried to get across to the deck-house sofa.

The unpaved street, undrained and unutterably filthy, was ankle-deep in mud, even at the close of this hot August day.

Jimmy Sears threw his shirt high up on the bank as he stood ankle-deep in the stream.

40 examples of  ankle-deep  in sentences