23 examples of annam in sentences

They were very richly attired, particularly the first three, who were tres grands seigneurs in Annam,heavily embroidered silk robes, feathers, and jewels, and when they didn't open their mouths they were rather a decorative group,were tall, powerfully built men.

The position of Manila, a central point betwixt Japan, China, Annam, the English and Dutch ports of the Archipelago and Australia, is in itself extremely favorable to the development of a world-wide trade.

Considerable regions of Chinese settlement had come into existence in Yünnan and even in Annam and Tongking, and a series of campaigns under General Ma Yuan (14 B.C.-A.D. 49) now added these regions to the territory of the empire.

In this pause the Sung turned to the extreme south, and tried to gain influence there and in Annam.

Before it was ended, the Sung tried to extend their influence in the south beyond the Chinese border, and secured a sort of protectorate over parts of Annam (973).

Chu Hsi (1130-1200), the famous scholar and systematizer of Neo-Confucian thoughts, brought out rules of behaviour for those burghers who did not belong to the gentry and could not, therefore, be expected to perform all li; his "simplified li" exercised a great influence not only upon contemporary China, but also upon Korea and Annam and there strengthened a hitherto looser patriarchal, patrilinear family system.

In 1282 began the war against Burma; in 1284 Annam and Cambodia were conquered; in 1292 a campaign was started against Java.

In 1393 wars broke out in Annam.

China was recognized as a power throughout southern Asia, and Annam had been reconquered.

Abroad there were wars with Annam, increasing raids by the Japanese, and, above all, long-continued fighting against the famous Mongol ruler Yen-ta, from 1549 onward.

At this time, while the English were trying to establish themselves in India, the Chinese tried to gain increased influence in the south by wars in Annam, Burma, and Thailand (1594-1604).

At the same time (1876) Great Britain had secured further Capitulations in the Chefoo Convention; in 1862 France had acquired Cochin China, in 1864 Cambodia, in 1874 Tongking, and in 1883 Annam.

North Vietnam is probably aware that Imperial China exercised political rights over Tongking and Annam (the present-day North and part of South Vietnam).

Hunting Hutuktu, religious ruler Hydraulic society i-chuang, clan manors Ili, river Imperialism (see Colonialism) India (see Brahmans, Bengal, Gandhara, Calcutta, Buddhism) Indo-China (see Cambodia, Annam, Laos).

The Annam jewel.

The Annam jewel.

Officer of public instruction, Commander of the Order of the Liberator; Chevalier of the Order of the Dragon of Annam.

In Annam a woman at her monthly periods is deemed a centre of impurity, and contact with her is avoided.

CHINA (300,000 to 400,000), which, with Tibet, Mongolia (from which it is separated by the Great Wall), and parts of Turkestan, forms the Chinese Empire; is a vast, compact, and densely peopled country in Eastern Asia; bounded on the N. by Mongolia; W. by Tibet and Burmah; S. by Siam, Annam, and the China Sea; and E. by the Pacific.

COCHIN-CHINA (2,034), the region E. of the Mekong, or Annam proper, called HIGH COCHIN-CHINA (capital Hué), and LOW COCHIN-CHINA, a State S. of Indo-China, and S. of Cambodia and Annam; belonging to France, with an unhealthy climate; rice the chief crop; grows also teak, cotton, &c.; capital Saigon.

COCHIN-CHINA (2,034), the region E. of the Mekong, or Annam proper, called HIGH COCHIN-CHINA (capital Hué), and LOW COCHIN-CHINA, a State S. of Indo-China, and S. of Cambodia and Annam; belonging to France, with an unhealthy climate; rice the chief crop; grows also teak, cotton, &c.; capital Saigon.

HUÉ (30), capital of the French protectorate Annam, on the Hué, 10 m. above its mouth, is strongly fortified with walls and a citadel.

TONGKING, TONQUIN, or TONKIN (9,000), a fertile northern province of ANNAM (q. v.), ceded to France in 1884; is richly productive of rice, cotton, sugar, spices, &c., but has an unhealthy climate.

23 examples of  annam  in sentences