108 examples of anthracite in sentences

The production of iron ore is reduced by 19 per cent., of anthracite by 14 per cent., of lignite by 70 per cent.

Anthracite Avenue leads from it eastwardly at right angles.

On the morning following his interview with Robert Burnham, Simon Craft turned in from Anthracite Avenue, shuffled along the walk to the office door, and stood for a minute examining the sign, and comparing the name on it with the name on a bit of paper that he held in his hand.

For the explosions and eruptions, there must be accumulations of heat somewhere, beds of ignited anthracite at the centre.

In describing Daniel Webster, Carlyle speaks of "the tanned complexion, that amorphous crag-like face; the dull black eyes under their precipice of brows, like dull anthracite furnaces needing only to be blown, the mastiff-mouth, accurately closed."

Excepting in the case of the Standard Oil Trust, and a few less important bodies which enjoy the control of some local monopoly, such as anthracite coal, the supremacy of the leading Trust or Syndicate is brought in certain places into direct conflict with other more or less independent competing bodies.

Q.What is the difference between anthracite and bituminous coal?

Anthracite, or Stone Coal.

In no part of the world is anthracite, so valuable in the arts and for economical purposes, found so abundantly as in Pennsylvania.

Bar iron, anchors, chains, steamboat machinery, and wrought-iron of every description, has more tenacity and malleability, with less waste of metal, when fabricated by anthracite, than by the aid of bituminous coal or charcoal, with a diminution of fifty per cent.

For breweries, distilleries, and the raising of steam, anthracite coal is decidedly preferable to other fuel, the heat being more steady and manageable, and the boilers less corroded by sulphureous acid, while no bad effects are produced by smoke and bitumen.

The anthracite of Pennsylvania is located between the Blue Bridge and Susquehannah; and has not hitherto been found in other parts of the state, except in the valley of Wyoming.

The carbonaceous material was the Trimsaran South Wales anthracite, and contained about 90 per cent. of carbon.

by means of an external fire of anthracite.

The tube, A, was filled with small pieces of anthracite, and heated until all the volatile matter had been expelled.

The tube, B, was then placed in tube, A, the joint being made with fireclay, and to prevent the steam from carrying small particles of solid carbon into ore in the upper tube, the anthracite was divided from the ore by means of a piece of fine wire gauze.

The steam at a pressure of about 35 lb. to the square inch was passed through the anthracite.

Third Experiment, Carbon monoxide (CO).The tube A was filled with anthracite in the manner described for the second experiment, and heated to drive off the volatile matter, before the ore was placed in the upper tube, B, and the anthracite was divided from the ore by means of a piece of fine wire gauze.

Third Experiment, Carbon monoxide (CO).The tube A was filled with anthracite in the manner described for the second experiment, and heated to drive off the volatile matter, before the ore was placed in the upper tube, B, and the anthracite was divided from the ore by means of a piece of fine wire gauze.

"What do you two always find to laugh about?" "Ephraim was feeding me with spoon-meat," said Aunt Lyddy, pointing to the basket, which looked like a basket of anthracite coal.

A close stove may have more faultsit wastes less heat, but it is liable to waste gas up the chimneynot necessarily visible or smoky gas; it may waste it from coke or anthracite, as CO.

Steam is superheated in a coil of pipe, and blown through glowing anthracite along with air.

The most deleterious of coals is the anthracite.

Coal mines, especially those of some peculiar and limited kind, such as anthracite, appear to become easily an object of monopolization.

That hard, clean-looking coal, which burns with little blaze, yet gives out such great heat, is anthracite coal.

108 examples of  anthracite  in sentences