69 examples of anthrop in sentences

While Anthrops was feasting his rapt eyes on the lovely picture, some treacherous fastening gave way, and the whole wavy mass overflowed upon the white shoulders.

Anthrops, forgetful of wheat, potatoes, and universal famine, rushed forward to claim her hand for the dance.

There was but one door; so, when Anthrops followed her in, she could not get out, without at least hearing an additional reason for dancing.

Anthrops was surprised to find a white dust in the bottom of the cup.

She leaned forward a little on her horse, her one gloved hand, dropping the reins on his neck, nestled carelessly in his mane, while the forefinger of the other hand rested on her lip, with a comical expression of mock anxiety, as she looked inquiringly at Anthrops.

"I think," finally exclaimed Anthrops, "that we had better push straight through the woods.

Anthrops rubbed his eyes, for he could scarce believe that this thicket had been there before; it seemed to have grown up suddenly while he turned his head.

As cool water upon the brow of a fevered man, fell the clear tones of her voice upon Anthrops, bewildered and confused by the sudden enchantment.

Hearne says of the women of the Northern Indians that "they are kept so much in awe of their husbands, that the liberty of thinking is the greatest privilege they enjoy" (310); and A.H. Keane (Journ. of Anthrop.

And Lindsay Cranford testifies (Jour. Anthrop.

[140] The details given by the Rev. J. MacDonald (Journal Anthrop.

(Journal Anthrop.

Journal Anthrop.

Journal Anthrop.

" Journal of the Anthrop.

Anthrop., 1894 (153-57).

Baumann, O.: Berichte d. Anthrop.

Paulitschke, P.: Beiträge zur Ethnographie u. Anthrop.

I was, when I wrote, unaware that, especially as concerns America and Australia, Mr. Tylor had recently advocated the theory of borrowing ('Journal of Anthrop.

[Footnote 1: Journal Anthrop.

[Footnote 8: Journal of the Anthrop.

[Footnote 16: J. Anthrop.

[Footnote 17: J. Anthrop.

[Footnote 18: J. Anthrop.

[Footnote 22: Journal Anthrop.

69 examples of  anthrop  in sentences