1937 examples of antiquity in sentences

If you consider the great reform carried by the ideas of Cesare Beccaria into the criminal justice of the Middle Age, you will see that the great classic school represents but a small step forward, because it leaves the penal justice on the same theoretical and practical basis which it had in the Middle Age and in classic antiquity, that is to say, based on the idea of a moral responsibility of the individual.

It also goes back to a remote antiquity, for its choir and nave were rebuilt in the middle of the twelfth century.

A large and massive keep, which formed the citadel of the castle, was of uncertain tho great antiquity.

On the whole, it is a noble and highly satisfactory mansion; but still it is when you get without again that you feel the real antiquity and proud dignity of the place.

It is true, that, compared with some of our palaces, it can lay no claims to antiquity; but from the days of Henry VIII.

To what past and to what tradition did the Pilgrim Fathers appeal, except to that past, older than all history, that tradition, sacred from all decay, which, derived from an antiquity behind and beyond all the hoary generations, points the human soul to the God from whom it derived life, and with it the privilege of freedom and the duty of obedience?

As he seems to think that he alone has read books and studied the lessons of antiquity, he will be pleased to learn that there are persons also in that party who have not neglected all their opportunities in that kind.

Footnote 1: We may be allowed to wonder, however, at his speaking of "memories that burn and revel in the pages of Herodotus,"a phrase which does injustice to the simple and quiet style of the delightful Pepys of Antiquity.

Never was the right of importing these labourers worse defended than when the antiquity, of the Slave Trade, and its foundation on the ancient acts of parliament, were brought forward in its support.

But on what principles did we usually respect the institutions of antiquity?

The antiquity of slavery in Africa, which the noble lord had glanced at, afforded, he said, no argument for its continuance.


Boiardo's prose translations from the authors of antiquity are so scarce, that Mr. Panizzi himself, a learned and miscellaneous reader, says he never saw them.

This resuscitation of the Helen of antiquity, under a more seducing form, was an invention of Boiardo's; so was the subjection of Charles's hero Orlando to the passion of love; so, besides the heroine and her name, was that of other interesting characters with beautiful names, which afterwards figured in Ariosto.

In this place of Matarea there are certaine little houses, with most goodly gardens, and a chappell of antiquity, where the very Moores themselues affirme, that the mother of the blessed Christ fleeing from the fury of wicked Herode there saued her selfe with the childe, wherein that saying of the Prophet was fulfilled, Ex Ægypto vocaui fillium meum.

Medina is a little city of great antiquity, containing in circuit not aboue two miles, hauing therein but one castle, which is olde and weake, guarded by an Aga with fifty pieces of artillery, but not very good.

The Past N. the past, past time; days of yore, times of yore, days of old, times of old, days past, times past, days gone by, times gone by; bygone days; old times, ancient times, former times; fore time; the good old days, the olden time, good old time; auld lang syne^; eld^. antiquity, antiqueness^, status quo; time immemorial; distance of time; remote age, remote time; remote past; rust of antiquity.

Oldness N. oldness &c adj.^; age, antiquity; cobwebs of antiquity.

The living of different nations side by side in peace and amity upon the wholealthough maintaining an attitude of mutual antagonismwhich appears to be the aim of modern phases of national life, was a thing foreign to antiquity.

Attalus himself, the Lorenzo de' Medici of antiquity, remained throughout life a wealthy burgher; and the family life of the Attalid house, from which harmony and cordiality were not banished by the royal title, formed a striking contrast to the dissolute and scandalous behaviour of more aristocratic dynasties.

To such pleas this is not the place to give large room, or to discriminate in detail between the reasonable and unreasonable elements in the attacks on a system of education in which a preeminent position is allotted to the literature of antiquity.

Mrs. Squeers, wearing a beaver bonnet of some antiquity on the top of a nightcap, stood at the desk, presiding over an immense basin of brimstone and treacle.

It had been kept a long time in the Temple among other precious objects of great antiquity, the use and origin of which had been forgotten.

The difficulties which that claim must experience, from its antiquity and from the operation of the treaty of 1803, can not have escaped your observation.

"Your code is meshed in the cobwebs of antiquity.

1937 examples of  antiquity  in sentences