31945 examples of anything in sentences

"God knows I didn't mean anything like that.

I went into the studio, as usual, but I did not notice anything peculiar.

I don't know anything more.

They knew that he was a native of the frontier of Slavonia, and they were not particularly keen to know anything else about him.

I gritted my teeth in vain; I could not work; I could not start to accomplish anything.

'I am old; I cannot believe in anything now.

" "Fancy that!" had also been Mrs. Cross's inward comment, on first hearing of the effect produced by Mr. Robert Domeny on the impressionable Mrs. Maidment; for if truth be told he was anything but an Adonis.

"There, I never do seem to hear anything nowadays, my wold man bein' so ter'ble punished wi' the lumbaguey and not able to do a hand's turn for hisself.

"What's the matter?" "Anything wrong?" inquired Sam from the rear.

Therefore we intend to ask, first, what, if anything, can be ascertained as to the nature of the 'visions' and hallucinations which, according to Mr. Tylor in his celebrated work 'Primitive Culture,' lent their aid to the formation of the idea of 'spirit.'

Some of the Scottish clergy, and John Wesley, clung fondly to the old faith, but Wodrow, and Cotton Mather (about 1710-1730) were singularly careless and unlucky in producing anything like evidence for their narratives.

"Yes," she acknowledged slowly, "I can scarcely say anything else now; thethe affair has progressed so far already there is nothing to do but go on with it.

Do you suppose I would ever have done anything as reckless as advertising for help if I had not been actually desperate?

I do not seem to be opposing anything of flesh and blood; I am fighting against shadows.

What did she look like?" "Oh, I only had a glimpse in the moon-light; resembled a ghost more than anything else.

No intimation of anything wrong burdened those present, the single servant silently performing his duties to the constant laughing chatter of those about the table.

I ain't got no right to say anything, but it puzzles me what she wants to go out for at that time o' night.

Do you know anything about poverty, Captain West?" "Nothing very direct.

and what did she say?" "She didn't think that proved anything; that he probably had the other in his pocket.

CHAPTER XII AGAINST A STONE WALL Was this discovery anything to him?

" "I hardly believe," said West thoughtfully, "you can attribute her state of mind to anything that occurred on that trip.

He had no idea that his quest would reveal anything of importance relative to the death of Coolidge, yet no better suggestion occurred to him and he felt that he must do something.

Did you think the police might be after him?" "Not for anything I know about, only he skipped out mighty sudden.

" "I don't know anything about that.

" Feeling the uselessness of trying to learn anything more, West thanked him, and returned to the taxi.

31945 examples of  anything  in sentences