19 examples of anytime in sentences

He told me that I was welcome to come over to his place anytime, to eat or even to stay.

In mid-summer, with the sun shining and the trees in full leaf, an improvement in the scene would be noticeable; but very few, except invalids specially recommended for a course of the waters, are at anytime likely to stay there more than a few hours.

And she said nothing, neither then nor afterward; but I did be honoured all my life after, when that I did anytime mind me of the way that Mine Own lookt upward at me in those moments.

whenever you're ready; anytime you're ready.

unhurriedly, deliberately, without undue haste; anytime.

"We could get snow anytime in Maine.

"Snow anytime," Francesca said.

"Speaking of whichare you coming to the housewarming?" "Saturday, right?" "Yeahmiddle of the day, anytime.

He wrote that he didn't know where he was going, but that he wouldn't be back anytime soon.

A hasty stock may be contrived at anytime with chopped onions, shred carrot, and some lentilsgreen or yellow or both.

Anytime She took down the receiver again and asked for Seymour 9X. "Western Taxi," a man's voice drawled.

critics who talk about the 'Strauss and Feuerbach period' should be careful to explain that the phrase covers no implication that she was at anytime an admirer or a disciple of Strauss.

I stole a gun, and I would shoot anytime and anywhere, and nobody bothered me because they was scared to.

That whatever hindrances may at anytime arise, this body will, in humble reliance upon the Divine aid and blessing, undertake to meet and remove them as far as possible.

"But folks dat aint acted right liable to be found mos' anytime tied up some'r's: De Niggers were a-havin' a party one Satu'd'y night on Hampton's plantation.

But within the circle of those whom he trusted, or of those who needed at anytime his help, another side disclosed itselfa side of the most genuine warmth of affection, an awful reality of devoutness, which it was his great and habitual effort to keep hidden, a high simplicity of unworldliness and generosity, and in spite of his daring mockeries of what was commonplace or showy, the most sincere and deeply felt humility with himself.

Such an avowal is the most significant of all things, anytime, anywhere, but here we know that every life is to be one of toil and bitter struggle, a fight in which the odds are, to appearances, all against them; more than all, that this young man, that young woman, with the dusky face, the mellow voice and the eager spirit, now in covenant with us, is to be a missionary to the heathen, and of his own people.

If it be necessary to replenish the water in the outer boiler at anytime, let it be done with water of boiling temperature.

He would let us go a-courtin' on the other plantations near anytime we liked, if we were good, and if we found somebody we wanted to marry, and she was on a plantation that b'longed to one of his kin folks or a friend, he would swap a slave so that the husband and wife could be together.

19 examples of  anytime  in sentences