5 examples of anza in sentences

A little south of the present mission," I continued, "you will see a group of willows bending to drink the crystal waters of the Arroyo de los Dolores, so named because Anza and his followers discovered it on the day of our Mother of Sorrows, and to the east is the shining laguna.

"Yes, Anza christened it in 1776 when he climbed up here for a view after selecting the sites for the Presidio and the Mission.

The following year the first permanent settlement by white men on the site of San Francisco was made when Colonel Juan Bautista de Anza established a military post at the Presidio beside the Golden Gate.

A study of the Spanish Indian policy of Don Juan Bautista de Anza, Governor of New Mexico, 1777-1787; from the original documents in the archives of Spain, Mexico and New Mexico.

A study of the Spanish Indian policy of Don Juan Bautista de Anza, Governor of New Mexico, 1777-1787; from the original documents in the archives of Spain, Mexico and New Mexico.

5 examples of  anza  in sentences