4 examples of apolline in sentences

"O sacros vultus Baccho vel Apolline dignos, Quos vir, quos tuto foemina nulla videt!" "O sacred looks, befitting majesty, Which never mortal wight could safely see.

"Yesterday evening, towards ten o'clock, the attention of the passers-by in the Rue St. Denis was attracted by cries which seemed to proceed from a four-storied house situated at the corner of the Rue Sainte-Apolline.

Pestilences were common at Rome in her early history, and have left their mark in the calendar of her religious festivals; for example, the Apolline games were instituted during the Hannibalic war as the result of a pestilence, and fixed for the unhealthy month of July.

These war-worn ears Are deaf to cries for volunteers; No Samuel Browne or British warm Shall drape this svelte Apolline form

4 examples of  apolline  in sentences