32 examples of appartement in sentences

It is nothing very great at present, but it may lead to better things, and the pay is enough, with what he has saved, to enable him to rent a little 'appartement.'

Madame arrived ten minutes before Rust, and had disappeared within her own appartement when his cab drove up to the doors.

She slept very soundly, said Madame; she had not awakened in her appartement in Paris upon one night when a bomb from a Prussian aeroplane had exploded within two hundred yards of her house.

She occupied in this conventa large old building in the Rue de Sèvresa small appartement in the third story, with a brick floor, and uneven at that.

She afterwards removed to a small appartement on the first floor, which looked upon the convent garden.

[10] "Après le dîner il y eut appartement jeu, et la fête fut terminée par un feu d'artifice."Weber, i., p. 57, from whom the greater part of those details are taken.

[Sidenote: A Visit of Ceremony] The young people have their appartement in the Champs Elysées in Paris, and the old ones go to the family hotel in the Faubourg St. Germain.

Godmamma said she could not possibly accompany her, as she had to pay some important calls; and Jean had promised to be at St. Germain to see some horses with the Vicomte, so Héloise suggested I should go with her; and that we should stay the night at the appartement in the Champs Elysées, so that she could have two appointments with M. Adam, the dentist.

She wondered if such moments ever came to the two quiet, self-controlled men who came and went, with cordial, easy friendliness, in and out of the appartement on the Rue de Presbourg.

There's only one thing better, and that we have before usParis in May!" They turned in past the loge of the concierge, and mounted in the languidly moving elevator to the appartement.

I asked him to come and live with me, and to be as near our studio as possible, I took an appartement in the Passage des Panoramas.

Then I took an appartement in one of the old houses in Rue de la Tour des Dames, for the windows there overlooked a bit of tangled garden with a few dilapidated statues.

Sometimes, at night, when all is still, and I look out on that desolate river, I think I shall go mad with grief, with wild regret for my beautiful appartement in Rue de la Tour des Dames.

L'AVOCAT ET LE CLIENT Le locataire d'un appartement alla trouver un avocat et déposa dix francs sur son bureau en lui disant: "Le plâtre de mon appartement tombe de tous les côtés, et je crains

L'AVOCAT ET LE CLIENT Le locataire d'un appartement alla trouver un avocat et déposa dix francs sur son bureau en lui disant: "Le plâtre de mon appartement tombe de tous les côtés, et je crains

Then I took an appartement in one of the old houses in Rue de la Tour des Dames, for windows there overlooked a bit of tangled garden with a dilapidated statue.

Sometimes, at night, when all is still, and I look out on that desolate river, I think I shall go mad with grief, with wild regret for my beautiful appartement in Rue de la Tour des Dames.

Marie, my child, bid Jacques run to Madame de Montparnasse's appartement in the Rue" ...

"We have bought such sweet, pretty things," continued she, rattling on with all her old volubility, "and we have hired the dearest little appartement on the fourth story, in a street near the Jardin des Plantes.

dans cet appartement; mais monsieur de Montrichard ... LA COMTESSE.

#appartement#, m., room (properly) suite of rooms.

En attendant, tu vois cet appartement: c'est le vôtre.

Aujourd'hui le contrat, demain la noce, et ce soir confinée dans son appartement: pas plus de façon.

On lui laissera ce petit appartement qui donne sur le jardin, n'est-ce pas? ARAMINTE.

Au reste, qu'est-il nécessaire qu'il voie cet appartement?

32 examples of  appartement  in sentences