4252 examples of appeal to in sentences

He unexpectedly appeared at the meeting and, being no speaker, he had reduced his appeal to writing.

The convention was clearly violated, and the legal appeal to the tribunals therefore abandoned: the Revolution itself declared it would decide the question.

'I will appeal to God and man against their lawless cruelty,' he continued; 'and rouse the whole colony to defend my right to liberty of thought and action.'

"Anything else?" "Yes; it must be something to appeal to the popular taste and draw a big crowd, so we can make a lot of money for the babies.

She will appeal to us for our neutrality.

History seems to show this,and also, that the sooner a nation gets over its eccentric partiality for this kind of appeal to its reasoning faculty, the more likely it is to avoid the risks of war.

She has here pursued the analysis of character as an end in itself, for in "The Fatal Secret" there is no hint of disguised scandal, nor any appeal to the pruriency of degenerate readers.

As an encouragement to persevering and invigorated exertions to bring the contest to a happy result, I have the satisfaction of being able to appeal to the auspicious progress of our arms both by land and on the water.

And Vergil's appeal to him was reasonable, since he, too, was a man of literary ambitions.

Cleopatra herself would have been pleased, also, to repair to Alexandria and appeal to Caesar, if it had been in her power to do so; but she was beyond the confines of the country, with a powerful army of her enemies ready to intercept her on any attempt to enter or pass through it.

One thing only appeared certain, that whatever opinion he chose to take up, he was able to make good either by the foils or the cudgels, by gross banter or nice distinctions, by a well-timed mixture of paradox and common-place, by an appeal to vulgar prejudices or startling scepticism.

The appeal to Christianity, which used to be regarded as decisive in favour of peace, is no longer decisive one way or other.

His appeal to his desperate need moved her profoundly as such appeals will always move woman.

" The teacher was perplexed, and, turning to Mrs. Stevens, said, imploringly: "This matter seems only known to you; let me appeal to your generositysay nothing more about it.

Be not surprised when I say such wicked laws ought to be no barrier in the way of your duty, and I appeal to the Bible to prove this position.

We will make an appeal to the nobler sentiments of the Board of Directors.

I appeal to your magnanimity.

I decided to dare the regulations and appeal to the commander of the gendarmes at Esbly.

If you say the law cannot, then you admit that you have no right, and I appeal to public opinion against the iniquity of a decision which overrides the law and denies me justice.

They meant to be so; but events passed quickly, and leisure never came for a work which involved a serious appeal to history.

" A brief debate ended in an appeal to the Senator, who, in spite of all his fortitude, could not restrain himself from groaning aloud, hiding his face in his hands, and hoarsely saying, "Draw lots.

Still later he made a personal appeal to him to come forward and combat the Virginia resolutions of 1798, an appeal to which Henry responded.

Menshikoff's answer was "to open a door, through which the sovereign perceived a handsome girl, aproned, and sponge in hand, bustling from chair to chair, and going from window to window, scrubbing the window-panes"a vision of industry which made such a powerful appeal to His Majesty that he begged an introduction on the spot to the lady of the sponge.

West felt the utter uselessness of an attempt to appeal to either.

A bishop had recommended a man whose given name was Ethelbert,—a decent enough name and one that you might imagine would appeal to Mr. Glenarm; but he rejected him because the name might too easily be cut down to Ethel, a name which, he said, was very distasteful to him.

4252 examples of  appeal to  in sentences