6 examples of applique in sentences

At two sides of the room the walls were laced with silk-covered wires appliqued as thickly and as closely and as intricately as the threads in old point lace, and over these wires the gray-coated operators could talkand did talk pretty constantlywith all the trenches and all the batteries and all the supply camps and with the generals of brigades and of divisions and of corps.

Two were entirely of silk, two of applique design which called "laid work".

Le guerrier applique.

Dies irae: visions prophetiques de Zacharie le voyant, suivies de l'Apocalypse appliques a notre tempe.

Le guerrier applique.

Dies irae: visions prophetiques de Zacharie le voyant, suivies de l'Apocalypse appliques a notre tempe.

6 examples of  applique  in sentences