7901 examples of appoint in sentences

I said, depend upon it, when the King once has her as Regent he will never consent to change her, and if you appoint her for a year you appoint her for the whole time.

I said, depend upon it, when the King once has her as Regent he will never consent to change her, and if you appoint her for a year you appoint her for the whole time.

He then announced that he would appoint a secret committee to deal with the I.W.W. situation.

If no one is named in the will to look after the education and property of minor heirs, the judge of probate may appoint a guardian.

Incidentally it is made the duty of the judge of probate to appoint guardians for any persons needing them, such as insane persons, spendthrifts, and the like.

They appoint some one, not one of themselves, to serve until the next election.

Incidentally probate courts appoint guardians for minors and others subject to guardianship, and control the conduct and settle the accounts of such appointees.

"The illustrious republic of Venice, having done me the honour to appoint me ambassador to Uzun-Hassan, king of Persia, I accepted the employment with much pleasure, both that I might do acceptable service to my own country and for the general good of Christendom.

He was pleased to appoint me two guides, one of whom was to accompany me through Poland, and the other through lower Russia, to Kiow, or Magrano, which is the key of the kingdom.

He took oaths by the same beast's Guardian Spirit and Presiding Fortune and promised besides that he would appoint him consul.

Since he was destitute of male children, Hadrian adopted for him Commodus's son Commodus and, moreover, besides the latter, Marcus Annius Verus; for he wished to appoint those who were afterwards to be emperors for as long a time ahead as possible.

And Declan replied:"I am your lord and whomsoever I shall appoint offer you as lord, Patrick and all of us will bless, and he shall be king over you all."

Your argentarius would also attend for you, or appoint an agent to attend, at any public auction in which you were interested as seller or purchaser, and would pay or receive the money for you,a practice which must have greatly helped him in getting to know the current value of all kinds of property, and indeed in learning to understand human nature on its business side.

Now, does this same law authorize and appoint the individual extermination of those very persons, whose lives and general interests it so solicitously protects?

This man has filled a certain position well, therefore let us appoint him to a position entirely different; no doubt, he will do well there too.

One could obviously not appoint professionals and sufficient staff to look after all these departments, simply because overheads had to remain in check.

"I tell you there are men and women amongst you who ought to come and ask me to select a place and appoint a committee to shed their blood.

"The king was petitioned to appoint one, or more, person, or persons.

But the better practice is to appoint as Private Secretary one of the permanent staff of the office.

But as the Kaiser, as King of Prussia, controls a majority of votes in the Bundesrath, or Federal Council, can dissolve the Reichstag, or House of Representatives, at any time with the consent of the Bundesrath, has sole power to appoint the chancellor, and is lord supreme of the army and navy, anything like real popular government is far off.

" "And you will see, Ned," added Mr. Morris, joining in the laugh, "that nothing will be doneunless 'tis to appoint a minister to the United States.

His friends oughta appoint a guardian over himonly I hope they won't get action till this deal is cinched tight."

While she was considering what day to appoint, Lavretsky went up to Liza, and, still under the influence of emotion, whispered aside to her, "Thanks.

And whereas the supreme congress of said republic have thought proper to appoint me as governor of this place, in consequence of which, if you have any demands on said government, or persons belonging to or residing in the same, you will please to send an officer with such demands, whom you may be assured will be treated with the greatest politeness, and receive every satisfaction required.

Would that it were given to him to appoint his Joshua, or even to see him face to face, recognizingly!

7901 examples of  appoint  in sentences