293 examples of appreciative in sentences

Seeing that his friend in the chimney-corner was the only one who reciprocated his joviality in any way, he held out his cup toward that appreciative comrade, who also held out his own.

Younger sisters know a deal, so I did as I was bidden to do, and it was just as well not to make myself hoarse without an appreciative audience.

She had helped "fix up" the house for the new owner and her appreciative soul had been duly impressed by the display of wealth demonstrated by the fine furniture sent down from the city.

It was built of grey stone which age had coloured with a tender and an appreciative hand; a rich growth of ivy and clematis clung lovingly over a greater portion of it so that the mullioned windows were framed by the dark leaves and the purple flower.

After a time, when George Henry Harrison had settled down into steady and appreciative happiness, and had begun to indulge his fancies in matters apart from the honeymoon, there appeared upon the wall over the fireplace in his library a picture which unfailingly attracted the attention and curiosity of visitors to that hospitable hearth.

It attracted the warm interest, not only of the continental philosophers, but also of the intelligent and appreciative among the eminent nobles of Britain then on a visit to the French capital.

This was true gratitude, and his feudal heart thrilled at such appreciative homage.

And Mariana wrote A most appreciative note.

[Illustration: Postlethwaite (keenly appreciative of hum of Gotha overhead).

We had patients of every type, those who were appreciative and grateful, and those who rebelled against confinement, and swore at the pain which kept sleep from their eyes, and hurled their things about regardless of consequences.

They received Rickety as the appreciative receive a great artistin silence.

It was the barest gallery I ever saw, and the noisiest, too, and the most truly appreciative.

It was not appreciative, it was not kind, it did not show the right spirit, Katie told herself as she listened, with what she was pleased to consider both atoning and rebuking graciousness, to the plans for Miss Osborne's garden party.

" Page smiled, appreciative of the picture.

Over the letter Sylvia raised a humorous eyebrow at Page, who smiled, appreciative of the point.

At one time he was an appreciative student of the American humorists, and he was very fond of spicing his remarks with apt and amusing quotations from Hosea Biglow, Mark Twain, Artemus Ward, and other comic classics.

And Ross listened, made appreciative comments.

In a warmly appreciative sense this must be a gala occasion.

Longman's Magazine, too, represented a clientèle of appreciative short-story readers that is now scattered.

She had meant to be warmly appreciative, but she knew now that she had been only coldly polite.

Her supper was ready, as she had predicted, and she delightedly made room for him beside her on the bench, and helped him to freshly baked bread and ancient tinned vegetables, and some doubtful boiled meat, all of which he ate with an appetite and a reckless and appreciative abandon that fascinated her.

I do not make them to you either on your bravery; it is an hereditary virtue in your house; but I congratulate you on being open-handed, humane, generous, and appreciative of the services of those who do well; that is what I make you my compliments upon."

This was a delicately appreciative, jocose mob.

" At Coldwater, in spite of its name, I found a warm, appreciative audience.

Barbara rose when she heard this, and stood up, as if to be better seen by her who had spoken what she took for such appreciative words, and Emily felt constrained to take the dead mother's part, and say what it was best for her child to hear.

293 examples of  appreciative  in sentences