65 examples of appy in sentences

So far, so good: we may be 'appy yet.

Monsieur le Père, 'ow 'appy, 'appy, 'appy!

Monsieur le Père, 'ow 'appy, 'appy, 'appy!

Monsieur le Père, 'ow 'appy, 'appy, 'appy!

Fancy 'ow bright and 'appy we should all be without 'em.' "'I started to p'int out one or two things to 'im that he seemed to 'ave forgot, but 'e wouldn't listen.

The landlord held the money, and old Sam, with a 'appy smile on 'is face, 'ad just taken up the mug, when he noticed the odd way in which they was all watching him.

"That's right," said the other; "go and do a few more silly things like that and we shall be 'appy.

"If I was getting as much out of it as you are I'd be a 'appy man," sighed Mr. Smith.

"I wish I'd got that 'appy way of looking at things you 'ave.

"Ve is 'appy ov de same," replied Henri, swaggering up in the joviality of his heart, and seizing the trader's hand in his own enormous fist.

An uncommon sensible woman, was Mrs. Turner, not like some as don't care what comes to their children, so long as they're 'appy theirselves.

He seemed to 'ave got quite cheerful and 'appy.

He 'ad brought a bottle o' whisky in with 'im, and he was so 'appy that they see plain wot had 'appened.

"We're all so 'appy.

I'm tickled by a pansy, wot's called an 'Appy Thought; I'm gone on yaller "Glories" of the proper smelly sort; And once I 'eld gerani-ums was grander than the rest,

I'm tickled by a pansy, wot's called an 'Appy Thought; I'm gone on yaller "Glories" of the proper smelly sort; An' once I 'eld gerani-ums was gayer than the rest,

"He was the sort o' chap that'll make himself 'appy anywhere," ses one of 'em, comforting-like.

Two little London girls who had been sent by the kindness of the vicar's wife to have "a happy day in the country," narrating their experiences on their return, said, "Oh yes, mum, we did 'ave a 'appy day.


Yo' maade mae 'appy fer sex moonths.

An' I'll maake 'er 'appy.

Ef yo're snoog and 'appy sure's death it'll goa.

"I've never been so 'appy as I've been on this ship," says Bill; "none of us 'ave.

"] First thing they did was to 'ave a good breakfast, and after that they came out smiling all over and began to spend a 'appy day.

You don't feel too fur from old Fleet Street, steaks, "bitter," and "God Save the Queen!" When your Britisher travels, he travels, but likes to be Britisher still; With his Times and his "tub" he is 'appy; without 'em he's apt to feel ill.

65 examples of  appy  in sentences