115 examples of apuleius in sentences

Aeschylus, Plutarch, Apuleius, and other Greek authors, bear ample testimony of this persuasion, and tell us that by uncommon and irregular motions of the body intoxicating vapours, or certain holy ejaculations, men might be thrown into an enchanted trance; in which, being in a state between sleeping and waking, they were unsusceptible of external impressions and obtaining a glimpse of futurity, were gifted with the power of prophecy.

In early times the ringwort was recommended by Apuleius, and later on the fern was regarded as a preservative against this baneful influence.

(B.C. 30 = a. u. 724.) Caesar (V), Sextus Apuleius Sexti F. (B.C. 29 = a. u. 725.) (BOOK 51, BOISSEVAIN.)

[-20-] When he was consul for the fifth time with Sextus Apuleius, they ratified all his acts by oath on the very first day of January.

For the plot see Apuleius's Golden Ass. 22.

The victories of the rebels are like the magical combat of Apuleius, who thinking he had slain three of his enemies, found them at last but a triumvirate of bladders.

[404] Apuleius; 'tis his own cause, he is a convicted madman, as [405]Austin well infers "in the eyes of wise men and angels he seems like one, that to our thinking walks with his heels upwards."

[3701]"His worship," as Apuleius describes him, "in all his plenty and great provision, is forbidden to eat, or else hath no appetite," (sick in bed, can take no rest, sore grieved with some chronic disease, contracted with full diet and ease, or troubled in mind)

Though Macrobius teach us otherwise, "that those old sages banished all such light tracts from their studies, to nurse's cradles, to please only the ear;" yet out of Apuleius I will oppose as honourable patrons, Solon, Plato, Xenophon, Adrian, &c. that as highly approve of these treatises.

A far greater part had rather read Apuleius than Plato: Tully himself confesseth he could not understand Plato's Timaeus, and therefore cared less for it: but every schoolboy hath that famous testament of Grunnius Corocotta Porcellus at his fingers' ends.

For the following year, when Sextus Apuleius and Sextus Pompeius were consuls, Augustus set out for Campania and after superintending the games at Naples soon passed away in Nola.

Except the love-song of the Cyclops to his Sea Nymph in Theocritusthe Lamentation of Venus for Adonis in Moschusand the more recent Legend of Apuleius, we scarcely recollect a passage in all the writings of antiquity in which the passions of an immortal are fairly disclosed to the scrutiny and observation of men.

Apuleius Apologia, 523: Pleraque tamen rei familiaris in nomen uxoris callidissima fraude confert, etc.; id., 545, 546 proves further the power of the wife: ea condicione factam conjunctionem, si nullis a me susceptis liberis vita demigrasset, ut dos omnis, etc.evidently the woman was dictating the disposal of her dowry.

Apuleius, Apologia, 547: utramvis habens culpam mulier, quae aut tam intolerabilis fuit ut repudiaretur aut tam insolens ut repudiaret.

Paulus, i, 4, 4. ad Helviam matrem de consol., xiv, 3. Other instances of women trustees will be found in Apuleius, Apologia 516; Paulus in Dig; iii, 5,23 (24): avia nepotis sui negotia gessit, etc.; ibid., Marcellus, 46, 3, 48: Titia cum propter dotem bona mariti possideret, omnia pro domina egit, reditus exegit, etc. Tacitus, Agricola, 43.

Apuleius, Metam., v, 10. Soranus, i, 1, ch.

SEE Apuleius Madaurensis.

SEE Apuleius Madaurensis. Jaunts and jollities of that renowned sporting citizen, Mr. John Jorrocks of St. Botolph Lane and Great Coram Street.

While Apuleius was an African and wrote his story in Latin, he evidently derived it from a Greek source.

It is not too much to say that had Apuleius really known such a thing as modern romantic loveor conjugal affection eitherit would have required great ingenuity on his part to invent a plot from which those qualities are so rigorously excluded.

Psyche means soul, and in the story of Apuleius Cupid does not fall in love with a soul, but with a beautiful body.

Apuleius. Aristophanes.

Rhodoman; Apuleius, De Mund.

The first he had studied in the authors of antiquity in his third volume, beginning in this with the episode of Cupid and Psyche in Apuleius; then following up, through the moderns, the expression of Ingenuous Love in Corneille, La Fontaine, Sédaine, Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Milton, Gessner, Voss, André Chénier, and Chateaubriand.

Leaving Petronius, his Latin collection entered into the second century of the Christian era, passed over Fronto, the declaimer, with his antiquated terms; skipped the Attic Nights of Aulus Gellius, his disciple and friend,a clever, ferreting mind, but a writer entangled in a glutinous vase; and halted at Apuleius, of whose works he owned the first edition printed at Rome in 1469.

115 examples of  apuleius  in sentences