Do we say archaeology or archeology

archaeology 125 occurrences

Gallatin's opinion on points of Esquimaux language, connected with our knowledge of our archaeology.

I retained myself the topics of Indian history, archaeology, and language.

While so many publications illustrative of the Archaeology of Egypt, Greece, and Rome, have appeared in this country, few attempts have been made to give a systematic view of the early Antiquities of the British Islands.

"It has been generally allowed by these and other writers on archaeology, that the primitive church of this form was that of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, and that the Temple Church at London was built by the Knights' Templars, whose occupation was the protection of Christian pilgrims against the Saracens.

Certificated and Licensed Lecturer on Art and Archaeology.

Nor does painstaking archaeology of scenery or dresses any longer throw dust in our eyes.

Ker's Essay on the Archaeology our Popular Phrases and Nursery Rhymes, vol.

The fifth hymn, 'Ad Incensum Lucernae,' is glorious with passionate colour and felicitous cadence, be he describing with precious solicitude for Christian archaeology the different means of artistic lighting, flambeaux, candles, lamps, or dreaming with all the rapture of a southern dream of the balmy garden of Paradise.

The archaeology of Palestine and the Bible.

Archaeology and the religion of Israel; the Ayer lectures of the Colgate Rochester Divinity School.

R593226. Indians before Columbus: twenty thousand years of North American history revealed by archaeology.

The archaeology of Palestine and the Bible.

The archaeology of Palestine and the Bible.

Archaeology and the religion of Israel; the Ayer lectures of the Colgate Rochester Divinity School.

Lost worlds, adventures in archaeology.

These were of some value, and the squire was proud of showing them to those who took an interest in archaeology; yet he kept them much as if they had been receipts for the footman's livery, or a dozen bottles of stable medicine.

The earliest written records that we have now existing date from the seventh or eighth century; but undoubtedly there is preserved for us, in these materials, a picture of social conditions going back to the very beginning of our era, and coeval with the stage of civilization known in archaeology as La Tène or "Late Celtic".

1884 WILLIAM J. STILLMAN Archaeology.

1884 CHARLES WALDSTEIN Archaeology.

1887 RODOLFO LANCIANI Roman Archaeology.

# Creighton £15 Awarded for an essay on Memorial History or Archaeology UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM.

He was also greatly interested in Babylonian and Assyrian archaeology, and I believe he assisted for some time in the excavations at Birs Nimroud.

[108] A.L. Kroeber, "The Religion of the Indians of California," University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, vol.

483, 494 sq.; George Catlin, Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians, Fourth Edition (London, 1844), ii. 233; H.R. Schoolcraft, Indian Tribes of the United States (Philadelphia, 1853-1856), v. 70; A.L. Kroeber, "The Religion of the Indians of California," University of California Publication in American Archaeology and Ethnology, vol.

The old happy-go-lucky way of staging plays, with its sublime indifference to correctness of detail and its utter disregard of archaeology, had received its first blow from Kemble and Macready, but Charles Kean gave it much harder knocks and went further than either of them in the good work.

archeology 6 occurrences

Nevertheless, one finds his work to be of great value and the late Sir Clements Markham, foremost of English students of Peruvian archeology, was inclined to place considerable credence in his statements.

I took the child on all the excursions I made, to Marathon and other of the local points of interest, for he was a great reader, and interested in Greek history and archeology already, passing most of his time with me in my work on the Acropolis.

The Comparative archeology of early Mesopotamia.

The Comparative archeology of early Mesopotamia.

[Footnote 43: On the Ikonomatic Method of Phonetic Writing, with special reference to American Archeology.

In archeology, threethe Stone Age, the Bronze, and the Iron.

Do we say   archaeology   or  archeology