220 examples of ard in sentences

"It's a 'ard life afore the mast, sir," he said, slowly.

[Illustration: The Liz-ard in the sun's warm rays De-lights to bask on summer days.]

He travelled through Magh Femin where he broke his journey at Ard Breanuinn [Ardfinnan] on the bank of the Suir.

One of the party, ascending the summit of the hill, said to Declan:"How can this little height support your people?" Declan replied:"Do not call it little hill, beloved son, but 'great height' [ard mor]," and that name has adhered to the city ever since, scil.:Ardmore-Declain.

He travelled through Magh Femin where he broke his journey at Ard Breanuinn [Ardfinnan] on the bank of the Suir.

"Charlie's been led away," ses Mrs. Cook, looking 'ard at Jack Bates.

I was 'ard up 'ere in Papeete once, and was sleepin' in an ole ware'ouse along with others.

I been here in Forrest City twenty ard years.

So it be somethin' in 'and in these 'ard times as well as savin' Parson from a bitter disappointment what 'e ain't done nothin' to deserve, so far as I can see.

As we approached the summit of the first part of the mountain, the way became very steep and toilsome; but the prospect, which had before been only on the south side, began to open on the east, and we saw suddenly spread out below us, the vale of Menteith, with "far Loch Ard and Aberfoil" in the centre, and the huge front of Benvenue filling up the picture.

Correction of Murray, in the division of proper names: Hel-en, Leon-ard, Phil-ip, Rob-ert, Hor-ace, Thom-as;Car-o-line, Cath-a-rine, Dan-i-el, Deb-o-rah, Dor-o-thy, Fred-er-ick, Is-a-bel, Jon-a-than, Lyd-i-a, Nich-o-las, Ol-i-ver, Sam-u-el, Sim-e-on, Sol-o-mon, Tim-o-thy, Val-en-tine;A-mer-i-ca, Bar-thol-o-mew, E-liz-a-beth, Na-than-i-el, Pe-nel-o-pe, The-oph-i-lus.

Yo' dawn't think I s'all bae 'aalf as 'ard an' crooil to yo' as yore faather is.

THE NORTHERN SCOURGE Ireland divided into five kingdomsThe Ard-ReaghArrival of VikingsThorgist or Turgesius?Later Viking invadersThe round towersDublin foundedHatred between the two races.

IN IRELAND Large military forces of HenryThe chiefs submit and do homageIrish theory of Ard-Reagh or Over-LordHenry in DublinSynod at CashelHenry recalled to England.

all sleeps 'ard.' 'Bessie!' cried Mary Anne, outraged by something in her tone, 'aren't yer sorry for 'im?'

She'd been a lady's maid all 'er young days, and it was very 'ard to be taken for a witch just because she was old.

Joe Barlcomb was very tired, but he walked on to Jasper Potts's 'ouse, trying 'ard as he walked to decide which o' the fust two 'ad made the most fuss.

She sat still for nearly 'arf an hour, thinking 'ard, and then she turned to Joe and ses:

" "I used to," ses Sam, and then he sat down agin and began to tell 'em all the love-affairs he could remember, until at last Peter Russet got tired and said it was 'ard to believe, looking at 'im now, wot a perfick terror he'd been with gals, and said that the face he'd got now was a judgment on 'im.

He looked 'ard at Ginger as 'e came up, and then stuck his 'ands in 'is trouser pockets and spat on the pavement.

"I was fined five pounds the other day for punching a man in the street, and the magistrate said it would be 'ard labour for me next time.

"You don't understand, Ginger," said Sam, in a soft voice; "it ain't often a chap gets the chance o' making a bit o' money these 'ard times.

"Hit 'ard and hit straight," ses the landlord to Ginger in a low voice, as they got out of the train and walked up the road.


ard Tauchnitz 1854.

220 examples of  ard  in sentences