104 examples of arme in sentences

Arme you, I pray you to this speedie Voyage; [Sidenote: viage,]

[Footnote 33: "Le donne, i cavalier, l' arme, gli amori, Le cortesie, le audaci imprese, io canto," is Ariosto's commencement; Ladies, and cavaliers, and loves, and arms, And courtesies, and daring deeds, I sing.

Some go with halters about their necks, some with their hands bound behind them, some others with kniues sticking on their armes or legs: and if after their peregrination, the flesh of their wounded arme festereth or corrupteth, they esteeme that limme to be holy, and thinke that their God is wel pleased with them.

And his wife hauing got his head and right arme, (which was brought to Rome to the Emperor) went from Rome, and came to Zante, and there buried his head and arme, and wrote vpon his tombe this style M. T Cicero.

And his wife hauing got his head and right arme, (which was brought to Rome to the Emperor) went from Rome, and came to Zante, and there buried his head and arme, and wrote vpon his tombe this style M. T Cicero.

I had leaue of one of them to measure the circumference of one of them with a threed, and within that circumference I put my arme vp to the shoulder, clothed as it was, so that in effect they are monstrous great.

may arme two hundreth Galleyes or Fusts by Sea, and by land he hath certaine sluses with the which when the king of Pegu pretendeth any harme towards him, hee may at his pleasure drowne a great part of the Countrey.

The custome of the Portugals is, that any Moore or Gentile, of what condition or state soeuer he be, may not depart from Goa to go within the land, without licence of certaine deputies deputed for that office, who (if they be Moores or Gentiles) doe set a seale vpon the arme, hauing thereon the armes of Portugal, to be knowen of the porters of the citie, whether they haue the said licence or no.

The ambassador thus betwixt two which stood at the doore being led in, either of them taking an arme, kissed his hand, and so backward with his face to the Turke they brought him nigh the dore againe, where he stood vntill they had likewise done so with all the rest of his gentlemen.

The Empresse and younge Richard are in league, Arme knytt and harte knytt with the fervencye That no joy can exceede.

no mortall wound so muche As to be recond fearfull; but the cause, The cause of my dull ruyne must affryghte you You have not flynte enoughe to arme your soule Agaynst compassyon; & that kylls a souldior. Let me have roame to breathe at lardge my woes

Sir, I am bound to you & to my mistress, And will so arme my servyce with delighte That, madam, you shall counte thys maryadge yoake

I know him as well as the Begger knowes his dish: he weares a white Scarfe in his hat and an Orange tawny feather upon his arme.

No ayd but this strong arme.

The God of power give power unto your arme That you may prove victorious-fortunate.

Go to your Tent, refresh your unscorcht lymmes; There draw your battels modell, and as soone As the coole winds have fand the burning Sunne And made it tractable for travaylers, Arme you and mount upon your barbed Steed, Lead foorth your Souldiers and in good array Charge bravely on the Army of our foe.

Who lifts his arme at him strikes at my brest.

For these lines A reads] For it is apt to thrust this arme of mine to acts unlawfull.

AE] arme her selfe with scorne.

arme, King.

She one nighte, in the absence of her lorde, leaned her lovely arme upon a gentleman's, and walked in the fyldes.

BLESSURE, f., lésion produite sur un être vivant par un choc, une arme.

Der arme Mann; eine Bildfolge.

He who sang of arms and love is of course Ariosto Le donne, i cavalier, l' arme, gli amori, Le cortesie, l' audaci imprese io canto from whom Tasso borrows the above description of the reward awaiting ungrateful women, as also the fiction of the tell-tale walls and chairs in Mopso's account of the court (I. ii).

ARME RITTER Beat two eggs slightly, add one-half teaspoon of salt and two-thirds cup of milk; dip six slices of stale bread in the mixture.

104 examples of  arme  in sentences